“Accusation of the government” – Libero Quotidiano


“The emergency shutdown? A measure of blind desperation ”. Say it was Walter Ricciardi, the consultant of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in the management of the coronavirus emergency, in a scientific article of April 2, cited in a note of the report published by the WHO on May 13 and disappeared in the next 24 hours of the website of the world organization. health care. Supporting him is an indiscretion of the Agi agency, which obtained the text through the Committee of families of victims. “What other countries can learn from Italy during the pandemic” is the title of that article, signed by Ricciardi along with two other scholars. Stefano boccia me John PA Iannidis. “Countries with an aggressive infection monitoring policy and with ample laboratory testing possibilities (for example, Taiwan and South Korea) seem to offer successful examples of virus containment – he says – Compared to them, in Italy both tracking that he lab test They are very limited and in the end it was necessary to resort to the closure, a measure of blind desperation. “Not bad, considering that the government” inspired “by Ricciardi has bet everything on the generalized closure for three months.” Blind in the extreme sense – explains Ricciardi consulted by Corriere della Sera -: as we could not contain the virus through these containment measures, we had to resort to mitigation measures: nothing else could be done ”. Considering that Ricciardi, like other more pro-government scientists in the scientific world, have been arguing the goodness of the “Italy model” for months, something is wrong.

“I am astonished by the statements about the fact that the confinement is considered an extreme measure precisely before and as a consequence of how the health part related to tampon tracking was handled – comments the lawyer Consuelo Locati, the Committee’s lawyer We will denounce who filed dozens of complaints, assuming responsibility for the government and the Lombardy Region -. This statement can be considered and interpreted as an ‘accusation’, in particular identifying and attributing responsibility to those who had the regulatory obligation to intervene and manage the tracking and, even earlier, the acquisition of reagents to swab citizens “.
