
Novara, October 1, 2020 – Traffic accident at night in Novarese caused once again by the impact between wild boars and a car. The tragedy occurred in the Novara section of the A26, at km 139 of the lane in the direction Gravellona between the connection with the A4 at Biandrate and the Romagnano Sesia – Ghemme junction.
Around 3:40 in the morning at ‘car in which three people were traveling invested two big wild boars they were crossing the road. The collision was very violent and the car is vout of the way: two of the passengers am dead and the third suffered injuries classified in code yellow.
The two victims are 32 and 39 years old. At the wheel was the 32-year-old man who suddenly found himself in front of two large wild boars. There was nothing he could do to avoid them. At impact, the 39-year-old man in the back seat would have been raised out of the car.
It is not the first serious car accident caused by wild animals that now come more and more often also on the roads of the plain.
After the tragedy, wildlife control begins immediately. And they intervene League me Coldiretti.
“The tragedy that occurred tonight on the A26, with the absurd death of two people and the injury of a third after their car crashed into some
wild boars in circulation on the highway, strongly proposes a theme that the League he cares and has tried several times to regulate with common sense and competence. Only the ideological approach of the government majority and Minister Costa in particular has prevented, until now, a modification of the rules that governl wildlife control“. So Gian Marco Centinaio, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Tourism of the League in note with Alessandro Panza, Head of the Department of Mountain Zones of the same party.
The Coldiretti in a note sounds the alarm: for the farmers association they have finished two million wild boars that circulate in the countryside and in the city, damaging i collected and jeopardizing safety on the roads and around homes. In Italy there are ten thousand accidents traffic per year caused by wild animals – Coldiretti explains – with wild boars and wild animals that go increasingly to inhabited centers, with reports in towns and large cities as well as in cultivated areas, from north to south of the country.
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