“Accelerate vaccines.” And follows the “Salvini line” on migrants – Libero Quotidiano


Mario draghi I listen on the phone Ursula von der Leyen reiterate the need to accelerate vaccination campaign. Today, for the first time, there has been a significant increase in the doses administered in 24 hours: a first positive sign, which must however only be a starting point, otherwise herd immunity will remain a mirage for a long time. At the center of the phone call with the president of the European Commission was, therefore, the vaccine: “Speed ​​up”, it was the dictates of the prime minister.

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Obviously, there has been an exchange of opinions on Recovery Fund and in the European management of migration flows with the aim of greater proportionality between the responsibility and solidarity of the Member States, a topic especially dear to a Matteo salvini and the Lega who are among the “shareholders” of this new government with broad agreements. Returning to the burning issue of vaccines, last week Draghi, in relation to European leaders, had stressed that on the production and administration of doses “we must go fast”.

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On the other hand, this is the only way to leave behind the coronavirus, which has forced Italy and the entire world to be in a perennial state of emergency for a year. Regarding migratory flows, on the other hand, Salvini had requested a “rythm change “ to Draghi, urging him to focus on a new national law to “change the open ports strategy.”

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