Abusive swabs and expired reagents: violations also in two laboratories in Calabria – VIDEO



Catanzaro – Throughout the national territory a series of controls are being carried out on the regularity of molecular, antigenic and serological analyzes aimed at determining positivity for Covid-19. Irregularities were also found in two laboratories in Calabria: in Catanzaro and Reggio Calabria. In the last week, the Carabinieri Command for Health Protection, in agreement with the Minister of Health, has inspected 285 companies and analysis laboratories, private and affiliated, and other similar structures operating in the trade and supply of tests. In particular, the Nas Catanzaros have denounced the manager of an accredited analysis laboratory in the southern area of ​​Catanzaro, who is accused of having used chemical reagents that have expired in diagnostic activities.


During the inspection, it was also found that there were deficiencies in sanitary and structural hygiene and the lack of adoption of protection and prevention measures in the workplace in terms of containment. 877 expired vials of reagents and in vitro diagnostics were seized, valued at 4,500 euros.

Instead, the Nas of Reggio Calabria has identified an accredited clinical analysis center that would have performed rapid tests for the evaluation of positivity for Covid without authorization and without the related functional requirements, in addition to having used expired chemical reagents. Also in this case, 17 irregular reagents were seized for a total value of € 1,000. The responsible lawyer and a laboratory technician, however not registered in the corresponding registry, were referred to the judicial authority.

