Abruzzo, Umbria, Basilicata, Liguria me Tuscany they pass in the orange zone. “The effects of the provision that Health Minister Roberto Speranza is preparing to sign will come into effect as of Wednesday.” To anticipate it, with a tweet, the President of the Abruzzo Region Marco Marsilio. Based on the data processed by the control room, which met today, the minister must sign a ‘order that will be in force from Wednesday November 11. The province of. It must also be confirmed in the red zone. Bolzano. At the moment there are still waiting for new red zones. In fact, a new verification of epidemiological data is underway that will affect all other Italian regions. Tomorrow will be devoted entirely to the situation of the Campania.
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Confirmation of Governor Toti
“Liguria from Wednesday November 11 will become the orange zone for the next 14 days. Minister Speranza has just told me, ”the governor later published. Giovanni toti confirming the inclusion of Liguria in the orange zone.
“Although I am perplexed by the difference in treatment compared to last week, given more or less similar figures, I think it is correct not to enter into controversy with the Government and take note of this decision – Toti wrote – Without a doubt our hospitals they are under strong pressure, the medical world calls for interventions and in these situations we believe that the criterion of prudence should always prevail ».
In the orange zone it is allowed to move only within the Municipality itself, from 5 to 22, without giving reasons. From 10 a.m. to 5 a.m., all movements are prohibited, except those motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons. Likewise, transfers to other Municipalities and other Regions are prohibited 24 hours a day, with the exception of those motivated by proven work needs, situations of need, study or health reasons or to carry out activities or use services not available in the same Municipality (for example going to the post office or shopping, if there are no such offices or points of sale in your Municipality). In any case, travel to any area that is strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching is allowed, if planned. It is always possible to return to your home, home or residence. Regarding private homes, it is strongly recommended not to receive people other than people who live together, except for work needs or situations of need and urgency. It is recommended to work remotely, whenever possible, or take a vacation or go out.
The announcement in the council of the mayor of Florence.
«I have just spoken with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who officially told me that the Tuscany Region has entered the orange zone, since the levels that foresee the transition to this second band have been reached. Along with Tuscany there are other regions: before calling me, the minister obviously spoke with President Giani. I believe that the new restrictive regime will start from Wednesday, “said the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella.
“We were able to give answers to all citizens who needed them,” said the president of the Umbria region, Donatella Tesei, interviewed by SkyTg24. Speaking of an availability of 500 beds reserved for the Covid emergency. Tesei spoke of a “modular plan to try not to take too much space from the treatment of other pathologies.”
More restrictions in Basilicata
“The minister’s decision comes after the increase in positive cases registered in recent days,” says the president of the Basilicata Region. Vito Bardi. “I appeal to the Lucans’ sense of responsibility – he added – because in the absence of a vaccine the pandemic is fought with attitudes of extreme responsibility. Only by following the rules that we all know now can we defeat the virus and slow its spread effectively. It is not ruled out that after the growth of infections in the next few hours I will issue an ordinance with more restrictive measures.
Campania: stay in the yellow band?
However, pending the final decision of the Ministry of Health, which will arrive only tomorrow, rumors from sources in the Region indicate that Campania is still in the yellow band. The control room would have judged the situation in the region stable at this time in the context of the Covid 19 emergency. The indication will now be evaluated by the Ministry of Health and tomorrow the final decision will be made by the Minister of Health Speranza. For the moment, in fact, in the Italian panorama the situation of the Campania health system is still considered capable of supporting the lightest class in relation to infections and the number of hospitalizations. Enrico Coscioni, advisor to the governor, attended today’s meeting on behalf of Campania Vincenzo De Luca for health, a delegation that the governor has reserved for himself.
The minister @robersperanza anticipated the outcome of the meeting that established the approval of#Bruzos – together with Umbria, Basilicata, Liguria and Tuscany – in the #zonaarancione. The effects of the provision that the minister is preparing to sign will take effect from Wednesday.
– Marco Marsilio (@marcomarsilio) November 9, 2020
Last updated: 20:17