The clash between the government and the Abruzzo region, which from today has proclaimed itself orange zone. President Marco Marsilio signed this Sunday a new ordinance that provides for the change of color and the end of the toughest restrictions, despite the contrary opinion of the government, according to which it had to wait Wednesday December 9 to formalize the stop in the red zone. Today the governor confirms his decision: “Abruzzo is in the orange zone and the ordinance is already in force“As announced yesterday, the government responded with a letter signed by the ministers. Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza, in which they invite Marsilio to suspend the ordinance and remember “the serious responsibilities that could be derived from the measures it has introduced in the field of greeting of the citizens. “In the absence of a setback from the governor, the two ministers write,” we reserve the right, failing that, to undertake any initiative, including judicial, to ensure uniform application of measurementsAnd “safeguard, in particular, the main good of people’s health”. Marsilio, however, does not give in: “I do not want to dramatize the conflict with the government but frankly I consider it excessive if not funny the intimidating tone and the threat of criminal responsibility with respect to the infections that would derive from this fact, “he replied to the letter.
Ordinance Molise – “We are still in full of the second waveAnd “terrible” months await us, he also recalled today Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Ministry of Health and professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome, explaining that “we must not too soon, otherwise there is a risk of further aggravation of the epidemic wave. “And there are also those who go against the trend compared to Abruzzo: in the next Molise in fact a new one is ready order with restrictions on school, transportation and returns from outside the region. The governor Donato Toma spoke of the yellow zone ‘fortified‘ for tomorrow. The provision provides for Suspension of the activity of face-to-face teaching for all middle and high schools. In addition, the prohibition of the use of media public transport for reasons unrelated to work, health or proven need. Reiterated, also in consideration of the probable exodus in Christmas time, the obligation of fiduciary isolation for persons who must re-enter in Molise without having performed a negative swab. Finally, the mayors are delegated “the task of identifying the Grid and the streets of the respective territories in which there may be a greater risk of meeting and adopt, accordingly, measures of closure of the aforementioned places. “
What changes for Abruzzo? – The rules for the orange areas and therefore apply I stores can reopen. The order signed by Marsilio, the number 106, requires the application of “restrictive measures in accordance with article 2 of the Dpcm December 3, 2020 throughout the territory of the Abruzzo Region with immediate effect and until a new Ordinance of the Ministry of Health derived from the evaluations of the National Control Room “. The provision specifies that the effects of the supply for lower secondary education range from December 9“. Therefore, the completion of the route will take place on Wednesday, with the reopening of schools. Marsilio, however, wanted to advance two days the decision to “reopen the trade beforeImmaculateAs he himself said. Two days of caution they would also have avoided it shock with the government.
The letter of the two ministers: The reasons explained by Ministers Boccia and Speranza in letter sent to the governor, in which they return on the decisions taken from Control room and the provisions provided by the Dpcm, reasons why the ‘declassification’ of the region to an orange zone by the government cannot occur before Wednesday, December 9. The regional order signed by Marsilio viola the order of the Minister of Health of December 5, 2020 that classified Abruzzo in Red zone. The letter reminds us that “the application of measures related to a lower scenario (orange zone)” is activated when it is verified for 14 days “A level of risk or scenario lower to the one who determined the restrictive measures (red zone), as confirmed by the control room ”. In the case of Abruzzo, the control room in monitoring the November 20 “denoted critical issues compatible with a possible increase in transmissibility in the short term, which in turn could place the Region in a upper stage“With an order of the same day, the red zone for Abruzzo was adopted as of the following November 22.
“Only in data November 27 it was, for him first time – Remember Boccia and Speranza – one assured reduction of the epidemic scenario, then confirmed by tracking December 4th as a direct effect of the additional restrictive measures. “Therefore, to date, the” stay for 14 days at a level of risk or scenario lower than that which determined the restrictive measures. “” It should also be noted – the letter concludes – that, as recognized in the report of the Control Room of December 4, 2020, the anticipation of the measures adopted by the Abruzzo Region with Ordinance 102 of November 18, 2020, could have allowed the consumption of the entire period foreseen for the declassification referred to in said legislation, not before Wednesday December 9“.
Ricciardi’s Recommendations – “We are still in the middle of the second wave of coronavirus, December me January they will be terrible for two reasons: because of the problems in access to services and because of the many differences at the regional level, ”he explained. Walter Ricciardi in his speech on the fifth ‘Orphan Drug Day: The Impact of the Pandemic on Rare Patients: Condemned to Return to the Shadows?’ promoted online by the Rare Diseases Observatory (Omar). “It is very important to continue with the respect for the rules, both at the individual level and by the institutional bodies, because if the measures are relaxed too soon, not only the trend is not reversed, but the risk is to find ourselves in front of us to very difficult months, in which Covid and influenza will run together ”, explained the adviser to the Ministry of Health. “Don’t relax too early, or give the impression that the yellow zone is ‘totally clear.’ Otherwise, Ricciardi strongly stressed, there is a risk that the epidemic wave will worsen even more ”.