“Then one of those is consumed masterpieces of bureaucracy administrative which makes the institutions incomprehensible to citizens ”. This is the comment of the governor of Abruzzo, Marco Marsilio, after being notified that your region will see its risk range change twice in just two days. With the signature of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on the new ordinance that informs Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy me Piedmont in the yellow band and, precisely, Abruzzo in the orange band since December 13, there has been a short circuit between the provisions of the Government and those of the Region that, on December 6, had independently decided to return to the restrictions planned by the band. risk orange, unlike the national executive. “It’s not about bureaucracy, it is Marsilio who has not respected the rules“, Government sources respond, stressing that” the TAR has put order in this matter that ends with a clear message: no one can arbitrarily change the different groups.
It all started, in fact, five days ago, when the president of the region was still in Red zone had signed an order to return the region to orange zone and thus loosen the restrictions to contain the contagion of COVID-19. The governor’s staff had written in a note that “Minister Speranza was informed before the adoption of the measure,” but government sources had denied him: “The control room that monitors the data from all the Regions has recognized this anticipation. which could have led to the orange zone on Wednesday. However, the 21-day window is scheduled for Wednesday, not Monday. Therefore there is no endorsement in this additional anticipation”.
Marsilio, however, had gone straight on, so much so that the government had presented itself to the tar dell’Aquila a suspension request of the ordinance. Request that today the administrative court of Abruzzo accepted, ordering the return of Abruzzo to the red zone, as the Government of Rome wished. But Hope’s new ordinance has changed the cards on the table again. “A few minutes after the publication of the Tar ruling, I received a phone call from Minister Speranza who sent me the text of the ordinance, which was signed tonight, which recognizes Abruzzo in the orange zone. From Sunday. This is how one of those masterpieces of administrative bureaucracy that makes institutions incomprehensible to citizens is consummated, ”said Marsilio.
“The stubborn government action results in the foolish and schizophrenic return to the red zone, for one day, from a region that for two weeks has shown constant orange values - continued the governor – After the TAR denied for two days the existence of a ‘danger’ so serious as to justify a measure of It is clear that today the government could only have caused the result of seeing a region change color three times in three days. Regardless of the practical consequences in people’s lives, just so I can put it on display scalp of the reprobate Abruzzo“.
The governor would like to remind you that Abruzzo “for two weeks has been showing constantly orange values, now even tending to yellow” and he says he feels “with a clear conscience. I protected the health of citizens by adopting the necessary restrictive measures without delay and acted accordingly when the data shows twice or three times as many newly infected people cured in a week, taking into account the economic stability of the territory. Yet pragmatic attitude and attached to reality, the government prefers one Rigid and tetragonal bureaucratic application of the rules.“.
The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco BocciaHowever, it specifies that the TAR’s ruling was produced by Marsilio’s own unilateral decision to place his region in a lower risk range than that established by the government without confronting the executive itself. “With the judgment of Tar Abruzzo, which suspended the ordinance of President Marsilio that had autonomously brought the Region from the red to the orange zone, restored the principle of priority protection of health – the minister wrote in a press release – It is always necessary working together, especially when it is necessary to make decisions that have an impact on the protection of the health of citizens. It is always necessary to respect the common rules that we have established together, practicing the constitutional principle of loyal collaboration between institutional levels. The government has always been, and will continue to be, alongside the citizens of Abruzzo to strengthen health networks and restore all economic sectors forced to make hard but necessary sacrifices to protect life and defend the health of all. This is not a time for controversy but rather to resume working together with President Marsilio ”, he concludes.