They frequently fight against rudeness, but after the umpteenth abandonment of the garbage to the Romiti, the neighborhood committee has spread its arms at the umpteenth gesture of lack of civility. It is precisely between Cava and Romiti that on Tuesday morning there was one of the joint controls that the Local Police of the Union of Municipalities of Romagna Forlivese carries out weekly in synergy with the staff of Alea Ambiente and the Voluntary Ecological Guards and that are systematically retaken after the closure at the disposal of the Minister of Environmental Policies, Giuseppe Petetta.
The activity also involved the “Don Arturo Femicelli” garden in via Venturini, a crossroads of via Risorgimento. “Since the beginning of the year, there have been around 140 high penalties for large amounts of waste or incorrect disposal – the deputy commander of the Local Police takes stock, Andrea Gualtieri -. Fifteen were done through camera traps, 84 on the other hand during the joint controls with Alea. “Another type of” cunning “was also found:” During the joint controls, it was found that around ten of these people were not owners of the users. environmental hygiene, so the expected rate is not paid. After the investigations, the charges were regularized. “
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Uniformed in the field also in initiative activities or in citizen reports: “The collaboration of citizens is very useful to direct the controls in the best possible way. Among these, also those that have been attended, for example, by the Romiti”, he explains the subcommander of the Local Police. A week ago, investigations carried out in Fornò and Vecchiazzano resulted in eleven ongoing investigations. Gualtieri also announces greater support for technology: “Another five cameras will be installed, an important contribution because it is possible to carry out verifications remotely, while optimizing human resources, who will subsequently intervene to view and take the necessary measures “.