“Computer graduates who want to work contact me!” It’s not the appeal of an employer looking for employees for your company, nor is it one of those back-page newspaper ads. Writing is a director who on Facebook has decided to try to solve the problem of the lack of substitute teachers. “Contact me on Messenger”, writes director Vincenzo Caico, hoping to find, on the social platform, the candidates available to make up the Covid template, that is, those necessary for the division of schedules, of his school, Buonarroti High School in Monfalcone, in the province of Gorizia.
A unique choice that has raised quite conflicting opinions among users. In the comments on the job ads posted by Director Caico, there are those who really support and understand the attractiveness of the director, acting as a spokesperson for potential suitable candidates. Among the positive reactions also those who request their own kind of competence, “if you need law and economics, there I am,” writes one, “Oh no, I booked myself first” answers another.
In the conversation, however, there are also those who do not approve. “Here, this is the inconceivable part of school autonomy,” wrote one user in a comment. But Principal Caico’s dry response was immediate: “The alternative is to leave the classes without teachers. Only these ideological positions are inconceivable ”, he concludes. As requests keep coming in, the director seems to have not changed his mind and Open better explain the reasons for your choice.
Director, why these ads?
By simple necessity. Like all schools that needed it, we also asked the government, before returning to the classrooms, for a budget that would allow us to hire the so-called personal Covid. New teachers who would have allowed the division of classes in full compliance with the antivirus regulations. Well, we have received the budget but the problem is finding the teachers.
The cause?
“On the one hand, the rankings relative to certain fields and in certain areas of Italy are empty. Nominations from provincial and institutional rankings were prioritized over those from Covid staff, and the candidates were often the same. This year’s regulation imposed a limitation on substitutes: if a teacher is in the ranking of one province, he cannot be called to work in another ».
Has the pandemic affected?
“It certainly influenced the fear of moving. Teachers who in other periods would have accepted an assignment even away from home now, at the risk of emergency shutdown or mini emergency shutdown and contagions, they prefer to refuse. Last year there were several cases of teachers from the South who were blocked in our region by the total blockade.
And hence the idea of Facebook.
Of course and I don’t see what the problem is. The priority is to provide teachers with teachers and in this case I believe that it is more than legitimate to ask friends and relatives of good graduates wanting to have their first experiences in school. Among my contacts I have many people who are part of the school world. Facebook is a tool to reach those who can help me in a practical way.
It worked?
“Sure. There were reports of alumni, maybe just graduates or reported by teachers who were aware of their excellent post-secondary studies. We have managed to recover the dozen missing teachers, except for the English teacher position that is still vacant. We hope name it soon ».
For how many teachers and for what subjects did the need arise?
“The ministry has given us a figure that equates to a total of hours per week. We had 108 hours to divide ourselves on the issues that we considered most urgent. Especially computer science and mathematics. The classes in question are the most numerous (up to 30 children) that must necessarily be duplicated, complying with the rightly indicated anti-Covid measures.
Of these 108 hours we have designated 10 teachers, each with a different number of hours. Its function is to support ordinary teachers and allow the division of classes without major damage from the didactic point of view. Covid staff have not been assigned to one or the other group exclusively, but will coordinate with the tenured professors who will thus be able to continue teaching classes in both parts of the divided class. Families and children would not have liked the idea of permanently losing their teachers ”.
How’s it going?
«I would say well. The new teachers hired are all very young, 25 to 30 years old, it is a good breath of fresh air. We find few of them in the rankings, as in the case of History and Philosophy. The greatest difficulty, on the other hand, was for mathematics, computer science and Italian. There we had to try to call from the so-called Mad, the availability letters sent by the teachers still do not have a degree to enter the ranking. We have found someone. For the most difficult cases I had to resort to the Facebook reports.

Returning to the publication of jobs on Facebook, the comments were not all favorable. Some argue that such actions are counterproductive for the school system.
“I think they are mainly political or personal interest controversies. The absence of teachers in the classes is for me the priority urgency to solve, in all cases. If we want to highlight a problem, perhaps we should reflect on the operation of a much broader system.
That is to say?
“Liability for a faulty system is not my job posting on Facebook, in case it’s a consequence. We should talk about teacher training, the school cannot become a social safety net for those who have not been able to do better in life. Being a teacher is a mission. But all this has to do with the fact that the salary of teachers is absolutely disproportionate to the required preparation and the role they must fulfill. To make the teaching profession more attractive and to have truly trained teachers, it is necessary to pay them better.
There may be technical-scientific graduates in the ranking, but they have already found work in their field. With their degree they manage to earn a more satisfying job and the answer to our call is obviously “no thanks.”
Another aspect is the competitions, which are held punctually when the number of numbers available with water in the throat is reached. So if an executive can put the ad on Facebook, they shouldn’t be surprised. ”
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