“A yellow sticker on daddy’s coffin, why are the protocols so cruel?” – Corriere.it


C to the Director, dad officially died of Covid-19, as he reminded us the absurd yellow sticker on the case, I know perfectly the main reason for his disappearance was nostalgia.

Dad was a healthy man, old but healthy; The week before his admission he loaded and unloaded an adult mountain bike from the car. After only three days of cough and fever, he was taken to the hospital, where he entered with his feet and where more than one doctor described him as a non-critical case. The situation began to inexorably degenerate after 48 hours, when a man who has never left his family finds himself alone, scared and surrounded by strangers dressed as Martians.

He arrived at the hospital on Saturday November 14 and on Wednesday 18 they called us to let us know They will have to restrain and sedate, Dad continues for at least another three days to react, the doctor defines him as a “lion whose family has been taken away”, then he begins to be less and less reactive until he dies on the 19th day of hospitalization.

In no way do I want to accuse doctors and nurses whose professionalism and in some cases humanity I perceived, even “from a distance.” I am very angry with the State and especially with a protocol as cruel as it is counterproductive. All the doctors I spoke with in recent days have pointed out that from the age of 70, a state of “disorientation” is normal in the hospital, this disorientation is more or less serious depending on the person, but in all cases it is counterproductive . recovery of the sick. So if the hospital environment and loneliness are certainly the cause of problems in elderly patients, Why in 9 months was nothing done to prevent the sick and their families from suffering such torment? Why does the protective suit work for doctors, nurses, assistants and it can’t even work for a single loved one?

The cruel nonsense that my family and I have witnessed has to do with the news. If it hadn’t been for some friends who worked at the hospital and for our ingenuity, we probably wouldn’t have known anything about the fate and evolution of Dad’s illness. He couldn’t find out which department he was in, then since the famous Wednesday he hasn’t been able to call us or answer the phone, we had to wait for the good hearts of doctors and nurses to make video calls (3 in 19 days) and begging every day, several times a day, that they show him the videos and listen to the audios that we send him. The answer was “he sleeps, he doesn’t understand.”

The inhumanity of the anticovids rules was then completely completed with the elimination of any funeral rites. I wonder, everything is disinfected and a lifeless body cannot be disinfected? However, after 23 days of illness, assuming that the infectious load was also neutralized.

In trust we accept everything they told us at a distance, in trust we believe that my father died of Covid, always in confidence we are convinced that this chest really contains the remains of my father (small anecdote: from the hospital mortuary service I received by mistake the documentation of a woman and not my father).

Because our rulers, instead of thinking of rules as disrespectful as they are useless, like the dead Covid sticker on the coffin, they do not attempt to solve real problems, mainly the patient’s need for real contact with at least one family member. The state instead of throwing money at a myriad of futility, why has it not invested something to restore dignity to the Covid patient? Is there a way to avoid daddy’s ordeal for many others, especially the elderly?

December 23, 2020 (change December 23, 2020 | 09:19)

