“A strange parable, son of the apparatus” – Libero Quotidiano


Alberto Luppichini

Pierluigi Bersani, the historical anti-leader of the Italian left, had chosen him for a long time, when the acronym Pd was still a test-tube dream. From the beginning he, the Emilian without more, with his reassuring smile and his slurred words, had designated his heir. And how not to call us Speranza, call us Roberto? Bersani has always praised him: “The boy is good.” In times of pandemic he went further: “Roberto is too respectable to be wrong.” Roberto Speranza, current Minister of Health of Conte Bis, had as his teacher Bersani da Bettola, from whom he learned everything (or almost).

Secret plan, Speranza also denied by Corsera on the front page.  Did you insult Salvini?  Now mute

Potentino doc, embodied all the initials of the left parties: first the Democrats of the Left (DS), then the Democratic Party and, finally, Article 1, the creation of the adoptive father Pierluigi. From the latter, he first took the gloomy and vaguely old-fashioned way of dressing. What about his cool muted-toned clothing, strictly one size fits all, the tailored but overly predictable shirts, the long, faded ties? Hope must be understood. Since his graduation he has been concerned with politics in the highest sense of the word. And politics, especially the serious leftist, do not admit luxury. The thesis in political science, in fact, is immediately followed by a doctorate in the history of Mediterranean Europe.

So an unblinking career but textbook Cencelli catapulted him into the ministry. As a minister, his temperament remained the same: servile, complacent, deliberately subdued. Eyes almost frightened and posture tense. With the demeanor of a Soviet soldier he appeared in all interviews in times of pandemic, strictly standing in his ministry office. Serene in his manners, always prudent in his statements, Speranza moves at ease under the radar like a Christian Democrat of the past.

Over the years, he has demonstrated political intelligence and alliance acumen, such as when he decided to back Bersani in the Democratic Party primaries in 2013. That of Bettola won thanks to the support of the faithful young man, who as a reward was a candidate for Parliament and obtained a seat in Montecitorio. In Conte Bis, despite the centrality of the role, he was dominated by the omnipresent premier and the thunderous communication of his faithful Rocco Casalino. This is already evident in the first press conference with Conte on January 30. The case is serious. In Italy, for the first time, the presence of Covid is confirmed in two Chinese tourists on vacation in Rome. Conte gives himself with evident satisfaction to the presentation of the director of Spallanzani Roberto Ippolito, whom he defines as “the Covid bible.”

Then, as he does with a waiter who is asked for the bill, he calls Speranza to intervene with a simple nod. Speranza, who in the role of minister should be in charge of informing Italians, instead limits himself to uttering a phrase of pure circumstance: “Yes, a few words more because in reality the prime minister has already been very clear about the state of affairs “. Highly regarded in all settings that matter, Avvenire expressly supported him even after the expansion of the use of the abortion pill. The bishops’ newspaper managed to remain impartial even in the face of such shocking news for the Catholic world, with a neutral headline: “Drug abortion becomes do-it-yourself, minister’s announcement (via tweet).” Nobody was surprised. Thus, thanks to the earthly and heavenly coasts, the nice young man with good hopes became a minister, when nobody believed in him and, it is said, even against his will. On the other hand, he did some nonsense and he will certainly do more. But as long as no one realizes …
