There is no good news. He confirms it Pierpaolo Sileri In connection with Came back, the program of Tiziana Panella in La7, where he confirms that from the current control room in the coronavirus There will be declines, that is, the yellow areas will turn orange (or red) and the orange areas will turn red. “We have a situation where the additional beds for Covid in various Regions are saturated. What will come out of the control room? There will likely be a redder and orangeier Italy. We will not have backsliding towards a lighter color, “Sileri interrupted. The target regions are Campania, Veneto, Tuscany.” Downgrades “are also possible for Emilia-Romagna and Umbria, while Lazio and Marche should be” saved “., Other news arrives. Dramatic from Piedmont: hospitalizations are 25% more than the peak of last spring in both ordinary hospitalizations and sub-intensive care. In intensive care, however, the peak of the last months will be reached in a week, with 400-450 patients, if the growth of infections is linear, figures that were given by the coordinator of the area, Dea Gian Antonio Cibinel, in the meeting with the Health Commission of the region.