A new Dpcm and a decree law for Christmas 2020 and the New Year in the red zone. But there is still no final agreement in the government on either the dates of the squeeze or the waivers for the December 25 lunch. And there are those who write that even the decree law could come. But after having leaked his intention to intervene yesterday, Giuseppe Conte has postponed all the decisive appointments for the closing of the holidays for today: today between noon and 3 a meeting with the Regions is scheduled, the Council of Ministers is scheduled. at 6 in the afternoon and from that moment on, each moment will serve to promulgate the new rules, which in any case “save” the weekend of the Great Exodus (December 19 and 20) and could even arrive on Saturday.
A new Dpcm and a decree law for Christmas 2020 in the red zone but with two relatives
After having practically announced a plan that provides for the red zone throughout Italy on December 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2020, on January 31 and 1, 2 and 3, 2021, Palazzo Chigi undertook together with the Farnesina on the release of Italian fishermen detained in Libya. And meanwhile, the hard line has once again been felt within the majority, that is, the one led by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the head of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, who wants the red zone from December 24 to January 7th. The hypothesis, government sources said, is still on the table, but the prime minister has no intention of shutting down Italy for two full weeks during the holidays. The mediation that foresees the closure in starts and starts continues to be the most likely option even if in the field there is also the hypothesis of an orange zone on days other than holidays (December 28, 29 and 30 and January 4, 5 and 6 ), as well as the extension of the red zone to Epiphany and the day before (January 5 and 6). And, therefore, the hypotheses in the field currently remain three:
- all of Italy in the red zone from December 24 to 27 and from January 31 to 3, with the possibility of adding 5 and 6; the other days the rules of the yellow zone will be in force;
- all of Italy in the red zone from December 24 to January 7, carried out by “penalty shooters”;
- all of Italy in the orange zone on days that are not holidays or before holidays and in red on other days;
It is also necessary to clarify the possibility of continuing to allow movements between small municipalities, the possibility of visiting older people and having two more relatives who are not living together at the table, although at this point the criminal wing remains firm in its positions. . However, according to the newspapers, it is not convenient to verify that today they confirm their intention to repeal the rules for Christmas lunch (or dinner) by allowing “two guests” and even with the hypothesis of not counting those under 14 years of age inside . of the rules. the Corriere della Sera He anticipates the possible formulation of the rule of two guests in the next Dpcm: “Movement to private homes is allowed within the limits of two people for each of them, additional to those who already live there.” Then it is necessary to see, the newspaper continues, if the prime minister will be able to convince the ministers that “there are no number of children under 14 years old”, as in the confinement decided by Merkel in Germany. Conte could also decide to issue only a decree law (without the Dpcm) inserting the limitation on the degree of kinship of those who can visit. And the term “relatives”, launched during the closure of March, could become fashionable again, but in its broadest extension: in that case, a green light also for stable relationships, boyfriends and partners. Likewise, the government aims not to introduce any conditionality on the fact that the people to receive or visit must be frail elderly.
Christmas lunch (or dinner) 2020 with two guests and the exemption for children under 14 years
Therefore, the prime minister’s plan foresees allowing visits to close relatives (up to the second degree) and paves the way for dining in Italy in the red light district at Christmas. The choice of the double instrument (decree of law and Dpcm) seems mandatory to date for legal reasons, since the limitations on freedom of movement were regulated between December 2 and 3 precisely through a decree of law and a ministerial decree. But according to some newspapers, one could also choose the path of a single legislative instrument, which could nevertheless be used for appeals (before the regional administrative court in Rome). Second Republic Self-certification in the case of checks will be an exemption and will thus allow family reunification, designed for elderly people alone or for two siblings who would otherwise spend Christmas 2020 alone. The criteria indicated are two:
- allow meetings between non-cohabiting relatives only for the first and second degree of kinship: parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, siblings; uncles, cousins and friends are excluded;
- However, the derogation will be allowed to a maximum of two people: a child who goes to visit his father may only do so together with another person and the host may open the door of the house to a maximum of two family members who don’t live together.
The newspaper also talks about an evening press conference with which Conte will present the new rules. And he says that in the meantime the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of the Interior will provide data that will justify the tightening: the Rt contagion index for the first time in a month and a half will remain stable at 0.8 and will not fall: from In fact, it might even go back up. Even second The messenger the exception would only apply with the limit of two people that would be valid even during the trip by car. And this would imply a painful choice, given the tradition of spending Christmas with various families. But there are those who say no: the repeal, according to Boccia, “runs the risk of opening a flaw in the infection prevention system, since it would make controls very difficult” by the police. If eventually the rules will be the ones we are talking about today, for example, it will be allowed to travel by car without self-certification on days when the red zone is not in force (but it will be used in case of proclamation of the orange zone), except in the hours when the curfew will be in effect (in that case, labor, health or necessity reasons will apply).
December 19-20: last weekend in the yellow zone for Italians
Meanwhile, the most recent date to be noted on the calendar is December 21, when the circulation restrictions of Decree Law n. 158 of December 2 and of the Dpcm of December 3 (but it will always be allowed to return to the residence itself, at the person’s home). or in the main house). The date was not chosen at random because it left the weekend of December 19 and 20 “free”, where long-distance trains and buses are already sold out and the Interior Ministry has already ordered controls at stations and airports. The weekend is also the last “free” for Christmas shopping and in which the Ministry of the Interior has ordered the deployment of 70 thousand men to stop the gatherings.
Pending Christmas Dpcm of the government, the provincial committee of order and security of the capital, chaired by the prefect Matteo Piantedosi, has confirmed the control plan and anti-recollection modules, the so-called “Roma Model”, also for the next weekend. Therefore, more than 1,200 men, including Police, Carabinieri, local Police and Civil Protection, will undertake to monitor commercial areas at risk of reunion, on the same map as in recent weeks. The device, also adopted by other Italian cities, will be directed, according to the Prefecture, “to the maximum attention” to avoid concentrations of people and violations of the anti-Covid-19 regulations. As it appears, should the government decide to toughen preventive measures by Christmas, the Committee will meet again immediately to plan adjustments to controls. From police sources, the Dire news agency learns that in all probability, in the case of a generalized red zone, the police will follow the operational models of employment and control already used in the first confinement last March.
Among the recalcitrant who oppose any red zone is still the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, who in an interview with the Republic today reiterates his position: “I do not intend at all to trivialize or underestimate what we are experiencing because I have been the first to close, but I think that the system of different measures for the regions based on the colors corresponding to the severity of the situation worked and had to be maintained even during the Christmas holidays. ”But the polls give an error : The latest survey on the coronavirus emergency and holidays published by Euromedia Research by Alessandra Ghisleri argues that only 6% of the population is willing to circumvent any block to travel on Christmas and New Years, while the 80% of the Italians are willing to observe the rules: and there are more “compliant” in the South than in the North. And again: a survey carried out by Antonio Noto makes just two weeks ago it found that only 41% were against the introduction of a 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew on New Years Eve
“Christmas is riskier than Ferragosto,” says Boccia. We will have to spend each one at home to protect the most fragile and elderly ”. “Those who think about parties and dinners are very wrong,” he adds, praising the North League player Zaia for the decision to close the municipalities. “We cannot wait any longer,” said the Venetian president speaking of the government, “Mine is not an act of heroism, but now we have to face reality.” The reality is that Zaia first asked the government for the red zone and then signed a document together with Matteo Salvini and other center-right governors asking the government not to make the red zone. Then yesterday he promulgated his ordinance.