
Giuliano Zulin
Luca zaia he is in the room, as is his custom. After winning 76% of the regional teams (45% with only his roster), he will soon begin working on the board. The historic plebiscite is also a great responsibility for the Doge, who will have to give answers – including economic ones – to help the Venetians out of the crisis. COVID-19. The first obstacle, so to speak, is the vice-presidency: it will go to the Lega, the second party in the Region with almost 17% or Brothers from Italy, grew a lot to almost 10%?
“If I could, I would keep the powers. It is a legal requirement. I say this because there is always a political content, but for us it is a legal fact. We must also understand how many councilors there will be and to whom we will give them. You have to win and not overwhelm, we have fellow travelers that you have to respect. It is equally true – explains Luca – that they must respect us. We do not want to make arrogant evaluations. With the roles reversed, there would be other statements.
The numbers in Regional Councilon the other hand, they do not leave room for so many claims by the allies. Zaia’s list has 24 directors out of 49, to which obviously the president-elect must be added. In fact, Luca could rule alone, in theory, even without Lega (8), Fdi (5) or Fi (2). He could certainly be supported by the only elected councilor in the ranks of the Venetian autonomy list, who supported the governor.

Theory, pure theory. Zaia is and continues to be a pillar of Carroccio. Yesterday the press conference was from the headquarters of the Lega di Villorba, Treviso. But it is undeniable that Luca was phenomenal. His list is worth more than Italia Viva and could win votes even outside the region. Here’s the idea that came from Northern League circles: instead of wasting days, months, and years explaining that there is no dualism between the Doge and the Captain, it is better to “italianize” Zaia’s list. The next electoral law will be proportional, at least according to the proclamations of the majority yellow and red, with a barrier of 3 or 4% at the national level. A percentage that, this being the case, would be within the reach of the Zaia’s list. It is an idea, an argument, nothing more.
There is time to study it well. Salvini however, he gets carried away: “It is inevitable that a large party like ours has different cultural origins”, but a possible duel with Luca remains “a fantasy”: “33 directors out of 49 in Veneto are from the Lega or the list of Zaia, if the problem is who has 33 directors -continues the secretary of the Carroccio- who does not even enter how Renzi and the 5 stars, what problems do you have? ». Before the elections, however, we must bring autonomy, the “mother of all battles.” I do not have the sphere of truth in hand “, comments the Venetian president:” We have projects that are not subversive and arrogant. This government has the opportunity to write a page of history.
If you don’t write it down, it will be someone else’s turn. Will they have the courage to castrate the Venetians to also castrate their regions, like Emilia-Romagna who is in favor of autonomy? And then: saying no to autonomy is not respecting the Venetians. There politics it is not done to annoy the citizens, but to do the good of the citizens. Then be careful. «It will be five years of total peaceful revolution that will radically change the Veneto“Italy will change.