“In the first days of hospitalization I feared for my life. But then I continued working on interviews for the newspapers, despite the fact that Professor Zangrillo, who is also a good doctor, is a friend of mine, tried by all means to prevent me ”. So Silvio Berlusconi, recently arrived home after being admitted to the San Raffaele, recounted his direct experience with coronavirus in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “The hardest moments were the first three days in the hospital – Cav explained – I had pain everywhere, I couldn’t stay in the same position for more than a minute. He was afraid of not making it. In those moments, the terrible images of the hospitals that we have all seen in recent months, those in intensive care, the intubated patients, were clear in my eyes. I was later told that the viral load found on my swab was the highest found in San Raffaele. So the risk was concrete and real ”.
The Forza Italia leader also spoke about Alberto Zangrillo, still in the eye of the storm for his optimistic statements about the virus in recent months: “I think a mistaken. The professor has expressed medical evaluations intended for scientific debate. Perhaps being a clinician and not a politician, he underestimated the fact that the media would take, emphasize and substantially misinterpret them. His was by no means an invitation to lower our guard. After all, in my case – Berlusconi concluded – he certainly did not underestimate apparently mild symptoms that, however, hid a very serious situation for which he imposed an immediate hospitalization in the middle of the night ”.