Stronger than whoever likes Barbara lezzi on the M5 he calls it “mafia.” Silvio Berlusconi after the letter of Goffredo Bettini of the Democratic Party and the “heavy” speech of Sergio Mattarella celebrates “the calls for institutional collaboration of the President of the Republic.” A new opening that on the one hand confirms the role of the leader of Forza Italia as “father of the country” and on the other, for the most malicious, reinforces a strategy aimed at weakening the majority and the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte thanks to the offer of help. “We are aware that the situation in the country is increasingly serious, unfortunately – he said in connection with audio with the party’s press conference on the Maneuver -, perhaps we can say that it’s never been so bad since the beginning of the pandemic. This national tragedy is destined to be solved only with the vaccine, which must be available and free for all ”.
“We feel a moral duty to put aside controversies and recriminations – explains the former prime minister -. We are aware that Italy better energies. We made ourselves available to bring the country out of the emergency. To the drama of the deceased – Berlusconi continues – the one of job. Without immediate help, many companies will not survive. “However, with a fixed point:” Forza Italia has always been in the opposition and intends to remain an opposition party. “This message is not aimed so much at the majority as to Giorgia Meloni, which the backgrounds gave as the most disturbed in the center-right by the winks between Cav and the left. “We are available to work no role confusion – Berlusconi stressed – to get the country out ofhealth and economic emergency. The first freedom to be protected is the right to life and health, which is the prerequisite for all other rights. “