A marked deterioration is confirmed for next week


A major depression figure It should be able to break through from the west during the first days of next week, causing sometimes even generous rains in the north and over Tuscany.

This can be seen on the map of the US model expected at 5500m for the night of Tuesday 22 September., note the flow of humid and unstable currents from the southwest that undermine hot air and gradually introduce cooler air, but also a harbinger of relevant phenomena (the ascending branch of the sac underlies the presence of the high-altitude jet stream ):

During Wednesday 22 this saccatura will advance further east involving all the central regions and the rest of the north to involve Campania and finally the rest of the south. This second phase, however, offers somewhat confusing scenarios, to which, therefore, we refer for more details.

We report the summary of the expected phenomena until Wednesday 23 on the part of the American model: the large amount of rain expected between Liguria, Lombardy and the northeastern regions stands out, the presence of accumulations in the south continues to be a legacy of the former depressive circulation of these days in those sectors of the country (note the major accumulations in the Ionian):
