The yellow-green times are very far off. Luigi di maio me Matteo salvini they left the M5s-Lega government behind, but the stones in the shoe remained. Pointing his finger, again, against the leader of the Carroccio, the former number one of the grillini thinks. Pretext? The crisis of the current government. “To get out of a situation in which he has become alone – Di Maio thunders in the columns of Done Daily – He intends to ask the institutional government, but with the intention of leading us to the vote. “The reference is obviously to the old ally defined by the Five Stars”stuck in papeete“Nothing new under the sun. In fact, another cliche.
Then it is the head of the Farnesina who has to defend himself against the accusations. Di Maio ended up at the center of the controversy with Giuseppe Conte for having flown to Libya to retrieve the Italian fishermen. So far nothing strange except that the journey was crowned by a face to face with Khalifa haftar. And many doubt the high price paid to an unrecognized government. “We with Haftar – immediately put out his hands – we have always talked, in the last year we have seen him nine times. But for three months our relations had been interrupted. To free the fishermen, he had asked us to release four smugglers, an impossible request. to be fulfilled in exchange for the liberation of our citizens we reestablished relationships with the. He said little.