A magical Poetto, but too many do not respect distances and run without a mask: thus we will never go out


Poetto’s seafront, a magical place, cornerstone of the Zedda administration. In these times of Covid, a refuge in Cagliari, in search of fresh air in the antidepressant atmosphere of the sea. But this is not the case, because many of our fellow citizens still behave as if nothing has happened and our rulers cannot enforce the rules. The structure that has been given to Viale Poetto, which consists of the creation of three lanes (one for slow walkers, one for runners and one for light means of transport) is interpreted as if each type of sport had its own right, to often also in confusion with each other.

If it is allowed for those who practice sports (cycling or running) to breathe without a mask (as effectively legalized by the DPCM), in this place they are together with those who simply walk and therefore receive the smells of the runners’ mouths on their faces, which in addition are often forced to haggle among the walkers who invade their lanes. To this we add that even those who are walkers often and willingly wear low or even absent masks, even huddling together to chat with the many friends who little by little find themselves on their way. The result? Safety regulations are not respected, in fact, the exposure to the risk of contagion is very high! Great is the confusion that reigns between the just aspiration to play sports and respect for those who, in the same place, only want to walk, properly equipped with precautions. At certain hours and days of the week Viale Poetto is not very different from the Bilionaire nightclubs, while the few police forces, inside new cars (perhaps bought for the occasion at our expense) at low speed observe the situation without intervening. . We will never get out of it.

And the alternative cannot be to stay at home all the time, due to everyone’s need to enjoy a few hours of this wonderful heritage that we possess, at least until another confinement closes our doors forever. Those who practice sports without a mask should choose more open and less crowded places, which are not lacking in Cagliari! Walkers respect distances and masks. Only idiots can be convinced that our way of life has not changed or that the world is exclusive to him. If I were Mayor Truzzu, I would close Viale Poetto to those who do not respect the rules: runners or walkers would be the appropriate solution.
