“A kind of immunity has been created”


More cases before, more “security” now. Lombardy, where the circulation of the coronavirus was highest in the first months of the health emergency, “is now more protected.” To say it, without fear of denying it, said Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, who on Tuesday morning participated in the conference “Covid-19, the ignorant virus”, organized by The Bridge Foundation.

According to Remuzzi, who focused on the current difference between infections in the north and the south, in Lombardy “a certain immunity has been created that is not herd immunity, but is made up of many components. There is antibody immunity which in Milan and Lombardy is around 15-20% and in Bergamo between 30-50%. And then there is the immunity of T cells, which are lymphocytes capable of recognizing the virus. This immunity is more difficult to measure, but represents twice the immunity of antibodies. So, if 20% in Lombardy have antibodies and twice as likely have T cells, we can say that in Lombardy we reached 60% immunity ”.

“At that moment, the virus struggles to find people to infect,” the doctor said. But he kept inviting us all to be very cautious: “That doesn’t mean, mind you, that we take off our masks or get together,” Remuzzi remarked.

The Lombard Welfare Councilor, Giulio Gallra, also spoke at the conference, explaining that for some time he had felt “the need for a moment of scientific reflection on the tsunami we have suffered, outside of the media hype, but taking care and I hope – he added – that this is the best approach for the future. We need to understand if the actions undertaken in the Region and in Italy are correct “.

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“To date in Lombardy the number of infected in proportion to the population is fortunately very low, so much so that we are the third last Italian region in terms of the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus – he was exalted in conclusion -. In addition to being very low, compared to the rest of the territories of our country, is the relationship between new positives and tampons ”.
