a great case for the government – Libero Quotidiano


On the issue of immigration, the majority was divided. The 5 Star Movement in Sicily, struggling with continuous landings, is on the warpath. The grillini even ask for the head of Luciana Lamorgese who, as Minister of the Interior, is responsible for the chaos on the island. “Giuseppe Conte consider asking Lamorgese to step aside: M5S deputies in the Sicilian Regional Assembly break the silence after the Siculiana tragedy, where an asylum seeker, fleeing the reception center, was killed and three policemen were injured . “For some time – they continue – we have asked the Minister and the Region for a change of pace in the management of the phenomenon. To Prime Minister Conte, who is working very well in many directions and in a very difficult historical context, our unconditional support, but also a message. “

Simple: for the Cinco Estrellas the role in the Ministry of the Interior is a very delicate role, even more so in this delicate moment and “you cannot trust a technician.” The pentastellati cry out for a figure who “has the strength to make decisions and does not leave everything at the mercy of eventsStatements that would bring the Movement closer to the opposition, if it were not for the Grillini to get their hands on it: “Musumeci -they continue- have no illusions: the region’s management of the phenomenon is not only totally flawed, but hypocritical and populist . Certainly it is not the useless ordinances written in favor of the cameras that solve a complex problem, such as that of migrants, especially when it comes to important communications. fantozzianly forwarded to addresses ghost email “.

Immediate replication of Matteo salvini who comments on the news of the former allies: “The Sicilian 5 Star Movement calls for Lamorgese’s resignation after the disasters accumulated in the Viminale in a year. A position shared by local administrators of all political colors, including the Democratic Party, fed up with the inability of Conte and his ministers, willing to pamper the NGOs and invite them to the Interior Ministry but distracted by Sicily and all Italians. This government endangers Italy ”.
