A flood of aid to African countries: this is how the EU wastes our money


The 3.4 billion euros given by Brussels to NGOs between 2015 and 2018, the hottest years of migration from Africa to Europe, were not enough. European fundsIt goes without saying, of which we do not know a fundamental aspect: how they were used.

The mountain of money coming from the very generous EU is further shared with another large sum of money donated to African countries who don’t try too hard not to waste them. On the contrary: these states, as revealed by a report published by the European Court of Auditors, should have received funding to support their development. It is a pity that there is not even a shadow of development.

As pointed out The truth, the idea of ​​helping African governments “at home” would turn out to be a hole in the water. The most striking example comes from Kenya, whose situation was examined in detail by the Court of Auditors itself.

The case of Kenya

Between 2014 and 2020 Nairobi won the beauty of 435 million euros, or almost 0.6% of the country’s tax revenue. This is quite a large amount, which could have been invested in projects to improve the lives of Kenyans.

Nothing to do: European controls have been inflexible when assessing destination of the aforementioned funds, specifying how the aid granted under the European Development Fund does not “have focused on poverty reduction“and I do not have”obviated the obstacles to development that the country must face“In short, an almost total waste.

The analysis of the Court of Auditors remains inflexible. The projects funded in the 2008-2013 parenthesis, in fact, produced “expected effects“even if I didn’t have any tangible impacton the general degree of development of Kenya“Since we are talking about money (a lot of money), the same Court has invited the EU to”review your approach to the allocation of development aid“.

Net of the economists’ evaluations of the rain of aid – in fact there are those who consider them useful and those who do not – it is important to do an analysis of the risks. Indeed, financing of this type could fall into the wrong hands and cause real disasters. Even looking at Kenya, for example, this country occupies the marginal neighborhoods of the ranking prepared by Transparency International and inherent in the corruption perception index.

Aids for emptying

In other words: because Brussels has continued to pay hundreds and hundreds of millions of euros to a country where the corruption Is it quite rampant and has it not shown tangible progress in its development over the years?

Last but not least, the Court of Auditors report offers us the classic icing on the cake. Besides the fact that the calculation system used to allocate funds penalizes the most populated countries to the detriment of the least populated, and it is not clear why, another aspect has become evident.

The allocation of funds from the EDF appears not to be “subject to performance, to good government, to the commitment to carry out structural reforms or to fight against corruption in the beneficiary country“A serious admission, this, that only suggests one thing: the funds are delivered almost randomly, without any control.
