La Fiorentina di Cesena was too bad to be true or too true and then the bad is yet to come. There are games that go well, others that are bad. Spezia’s belongs to the first case: at 240 seconds Fiorentina was ahead 0-2 to a rival in the first year of Serie A, reworked, put on the field in agreement, but with a technical figure that is sometimes embarrassing , let’s say a lot modest. La Viola found himself in the double advantage with merit and luck because rarely in the first 4 minutes does he go to make two. But no matter how you get the chance, it’s how you defend it. Considering there was no Milan or Napoli in front of the viola, handling that opportunity with control had to be pretty easy. La Spezia should have discovered opening roads to the counterattack of Fiorentina. And yet this did not happen, on the contrary: in the second half, barring Castrovilli’s sensationally misguided goal, Spezia was particularly noticeable on the field. The Ligurians, although burdened by their multiple limitations, played football, chasing a game plot, dragged by the changes of the Italian, specifically Nzola, a forward who would have been very convenient for Fiorentina …
After the defeat at home with Sampdoria, all this is inexplicable, unacceptable. It is true that Iachini has had more than ten teams around the world and only started working with the group since Thursday, but this is a factor common to many good teams in the league. Therefore, it is not enough to justify the gambling strike implemented by Viola in Cesena. Serial errors, little order, difficulty in turning on the ideas switch, to arrive at a small offensive already becomes a case. Vlahovic has taken another opportunity and has not taken it. Cutrone entered the field distracted and missed a pass to Ribéry that could have been the prelude to the goal. Kouame entered the final impalpable, he was also seen in a poorly managed primary stop in the rival area. The alternation between the three strikers is thought, or is presumed, to have become pernicious, especially harmful. Perhaps Iachini should baptize a starter leaving the other two the chance to compete with him starting from the bench.
The wound from the attack is far from being sutured: an unresolved knot, the truth is there for all to see.
too defenders, generally reliable, have fabricated many oversights, starting with Cáceres. The midfield, with Amrabat in the middle, then in the second half Iachini put Pulgar at his side, was in constant difficulty. Callejón, who took office for a few minutes, didn’t have time to prove himself.
There are clear alarm bells in Fiorentina, problems for which the diagnosis must be quickly identified in order to proceed with treatment. La Viola in 4 games has scored the same number of points but has conceded 8 goals. Many, too many. It means that the defensive phase must be reviewed in its total development. The median does not filter as it should. There is no drama, we are at the beginning of the championship, but to ignore anything by voting for the other side would be a very serious mistake. Iachini must be advised and supported, but Beppe must reverse the trend, understanding exactly what is not working. He is the coach, the game must go through his provisions. Fiorentina is unfinished, but it is certainly better than last year. Today between the viola and the Spezia there was a huge difference, but it has not been seen. This is the point to focus on. The team then showed nervousness on the field: fights between teammates and a very agitated final match with Biraghi, but the company denied the controversy with Carrillo, Iachini’s substitute. We hope that the nerves are only due to a wrong match because otherwise they would be a dangerous signal for Fiorentina.
It is up to the company to intervene in everything, maintaining coolness and lucidity in the action. Rocco Commisso has set himself some goals: infrastructure first, but it is also necessary to build a company with strong football skills, capable of generating ambitions and, at the same time, managing situations like this.
Iachini is under scrutiny. The role of the coach is the most delicate, but given the filters of Fiorentina, in sight there would be no changes on the bench. The next appointments will surely arrive on Sunday Udinese and then there will be the Coppa Italia, they will become fundamental stages. Iachini has the tough skin and the experience to ignore even the voices that travel over his head like clouds: Sarri is the most popular name, but Mazzarri, a former youth team viola from the early ’80s, also makes her way. Both are Tuscan: the first from Valdarno, the second from the Etruscan coast. The hope is that Iachini can push back the ghosts: his exemption would be the photograph of the technical failure, the fruit of years of mediocrity. The fans no longer love them because they have already given a lot in this field.
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