A doctor arrested in the Bresciano area: caused death in Covid patients


The investigations They began two months after the events, also through the support of forensic technical evaluations ordered by the judicial authority. In the medical records of numerous patients who died in that period from Covid-19, some cases of a sudden worsening, and not easily explained, of health conditions were found.

Drugs in lethal doses – Three bodies were exhumed for the autopsy. Investigations revealed, within the tissues and organs of one of them, the presence of an anesthetic and muscle relaxant drug commonly used in patient intubation and sedation procedures that, if used outside of specific procedures and doses, can lead to death of the patient. However, from the clinical plan of the deceased, the administration of these drugs (indicated instead in the records of patients who were intubated) does not appear to the extent that the suspect is also responsible for the crime of falsification in a public document.

house arrest – Therefore, the doctor administered to the patients with Covid appropriate medications to cause lethal respiratory depression. Hence the decision to place the professional under house arrest, in order to avoid the danger of recidivism of crimes and evidentiary contamination.
