The contacts between Giuseppe Conte me Matteo Salvini. The prime minister appears to have put disagreements behind him and says he is “ready to confront the opposition.” It is no coincidence that the former minister sent a text message to Conte on Thursday, December 11, with the intention of partially modifying the new SMS of Dpcm. which the premier reported in person at the press conference a few minutes ago about the agreement on the Recovery Plan. On the other hand – reveal sources of the League – the leader shows satisfaction for a change of pace by government vacation travel. This is a point where Carroccio and the entire center-right have fought hard. Between Conte and Salvini, therefore, calm seems to have returned, so much so that a meeting is expected in the coming days.
Meanwhile, the League does not stop and returns, always with a view to constructive confrontation “in the exclusive interest of the Italians”, to propose some amendments. Infrastructure, taxes, aid to companies, families, schools, culture and people with disabilities have priority. Not only that, because the Carroccio together with Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia expects put a hand to the budget law proposing a Great Recovery Plan for Italy, to take advantage of Italian and European funds that “cannot be held hostage by the Task Force or the disputes between Conte and Renzi.”