“There is no school outbreak.”
The leader of the Leonardo da Vinci Scientific High School of Reggio calabria is willing to make it clear. Prof. Princi, to the microphones of CityNow, illustrated the situation by inviting students, parents and citizens in general to calm down.
“Upon learning that unwarranted scaremongering is spreading, the leadership wishes to reassure the city.”
The director explained, in detail, what is the situation at the Reggio institute:
“A student, first class, who had to go through a day hospital, was subjected, as usual, to the swab that tested positive. The person in question is asymptomatic. The territorial ASP has notified the school and the classmates and two classmates who had spoken in the class in question as a precaution ”.
The prof.ssa PrinciAlso, you want to underline:
“If there had been a greater danger, the ASP itself would have taken stricter measures. Our institute’s facilities were promptly cleaned up and the Provincial Health Authority is already repeating the hyssop, which had previously been done in another city, to have a counter test of positivity. “