Tragedy in Pirri, where a balcony in via Tamburino Sardo collapsed, overwhelming two workers. One of them died.
The two construction workers were doing maintenance work on an apartment building. While they were using the jackhammer in the courtyard, the first-floor balcony, about ten feet wide, collapsed, taking them by surprise and overwhelmed. One died, the other was injured and was handed over to rescuers.

The victim is the business owner, the other person involved in the collapse is his grandson.
Carabinieri from the Compagnia di Cagliari and specialists from the Labor Inspectorate are investigating the dynamics of the tragedy. The military will have to reconstruct in detail the dynamics and causes of the sudden collapse of the balcony. It’s unclear if the two workers were using the jackhammer to remove the patio flooring or if they were working on the same balcony that was overwhelming them.
(Unioneonline / L)