In the accident he lost consciousness: 118 staff members found him in cardiac arrest. He managed to revive him, then the emergency admission to the Pope John XXIII hospital.
In the accident he was thrown from his motorcycle and lost consciousness and is now hospitalized in serious condition at the Pope John XXIII hospital in Bergamo. A 24-year-old boy was seriously injured after an accident that took place just before 1 a.m. on Tuesday, September 1 in the city.. The accident occurred in via Borgo Palazzo near Piazzetta Sant’Anna: from the first reports it appears that the young man has lost control of the bike for reasons yet to be determined. When the 118 employees arrived at the scene, they found the boy in cardiac arrest: he was resuscitated and rushed to the Papa Juan XXIII hospital, where he is hospitalized with a confidential prognosis. The local police took over the conclusions of the case.