Dear Earl, you need a dpcm but to start again


Dear Prime Minister, I am going straight to the point: football, to restart and survive the crisis, needs a dpcm very different from the one theorized by the sports minister. In fact, a decree is needed to establish the criminal shield to safeguard companies in the event that one or more members are positive, establish the state of need and authorize frequent transfers of equipment from one region to another. I can assure you that it is nothing compared to the effects that the championship block would have.

Living with the virus has become essential, the virologist Ilaria Capua simply explained: “We can say that we are out of it in 15 days, after this reopening. We do not fall into a trap: we must find a new normal. This must be done with this virus. I invite you to behave in a common sense. “To Capua’s words I add those of an Italian epidemiologist who works in the United States and is considered a phenomenon (his curriculum is very different from who you know), Professor Alessandro Vespignani, son of the great Roman painter and illustrator: “To beat the virus you need 3T”, he explained to “test, follow-up and treatment” So let’s try, track and treat football as it deserves.

You, dear Conte, have the future of the second, in importance, the passion of the Italians and of an industry with a turnover of 5 billion, capable of guaranteeing 1.4 taxes and, above all, employing 100,000 people. Due to a series of errors that I am not here to list, we know that he is a fan of the Roma and that he knows the subject well, the sector is overindebted and exposed to banks (2.4 billion) and entrusts his destiny to national and international continuity. . In security, of course.

For days, dozens of bipartisan positions have been chasing in defense of football, I guess he read and listened to them. This strange world of football, to which we journalists belong, even if someone sometimes forgets it, only invokes attention, sensitivity and common sense: the conclusions of the scientific committee are important, but in cases like this, politics is more.

I highly respect the role of the minister, although unfortunately the current one is not familiar with the sport, but at the same time I carefully read the dpcm. I would like to point out one of them on June 7, 2016, in particular article 26. What we all call the Sports Ministry in the vulgar is actually the Sports Office, which in turn is nothing more than the “structure of support for the President of the Council for the exercise of functions related to sport “. The duties of the Sports Office and, therefore, also of dr. Spadafora – as is the case with any public power, is not conquered in the communication market nor does it decide from time to time whether to intervene in relation to this or that problem. Here too, what the Sports Office can or cannot do is established by the regulatory system, in what legal technicians call “powers”.

I save you other steps and obligations of the sports minister and thanks to the help of an important administrative lawyer, I conclude. The picture is clear, however, if you want to read the rule, the Sports Office does not exercise any power over the conduct of professional club championships. This in regards to daily life (and not surprisingly, the Sports Office has never intervened on how and when to discipline championships, also because in this matter the principle of sports autonomy is applied, which reserves all decisions for respective federations). But there is not even an attribution from the Sports Office with reference to the health emergency that we are currently experiencing. It follows that the management of the health crisis does not see the head of the Sports Office among its protagonists (in accordance with current laws), namely, Mr. Spadafora. “

Dear Premier, do not let anyone influence you, much less the recent positivity of the Germans: coexistence with the virus is the key, respect for a serious protocol is the indispensable tool and June 14 is still far away. The hypothetical irregularity of the championship, then, would go hand in hand with that of our current life. Trust Capua: it takes football to a new normal.
