Reviewing the archives of the tests performed at the time to look for other viruses, surprising traces of Covid 19 were found. “Then we verified 24 patients with pneumonia and found a positive result,” said Yves Cohen, head of the hospital’s intensive care unit. from the Paris region and author of the research to be published in a scientific journal.

Coronavirus, France “Phase 2”: reopen stores from May 11. In part, back to school slips
He is a fifty-year-old Frenchman who has never traveled to China. Meanwhile, the man has recovered and is well. “He has infected his two children, but they are doing well, too,” Cohen said. His wife was not ill, doctors speculate that she was the healthy carrier of the virus. In fact, the woman works in a supermarket next to a sushi department where there are also Chinese employees.

In reproduction ….
Therefore, it is necessary to rewrite the chronology of the epidemic in France, the first European country to declare the admission of Covid 19 patients on January 24. At the time they were Chinese citizens: a couple of tourists and a businessman served between Paris and Bordeaux. For a long time, the patient zero investigation was concentrated in Oise, north of Paris, where one of the first outbreaks occurred: the epidemiological investigation had returned to cases until mid-January. The Institut Pasteur had already concluded from studies on the genetic characteristics of the virus that the “silent” circulation had started in January. Now the transmission chain dates back to December. It would be a confirmation that the virus had begun to spread in Europe long before the WHO’s Beijing alert.
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