A call to the Italians, a sincere call that seeks to empower all citizens, considering that at this point the government’s leadership is somewhat lower and a phase begins in which the behavior of the individual will make a difference: the restart of the country in our hands – says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to Corriere -. It is up to us to decide if we want it to be decisive and definitive. If we want to avoid painful steps now more than ever, we need collaboration, a sense of responsibility, respect for everyone’s rules. It is not a less complex phase than the one that is closing, but until now the response of the population has been very effective and I trust that it will continue to be so.
The responsibility also falls on the Italians
Everything now focused on the elections of individuals, on how Italians will react to phase 2, to greater freedom, to the possibility of finding a relative, to the fact that almost 4 million will return to work, to strict compliance with the protocols in commercial establishments. Conte’s reasoning with Corriere reverses the burden of responsibility, also placing it on the shoulders of the Italians, of their behavior: from May 4, the citizens will be the real protagonists of phase 2. So far we have achieved good results With the restrictive measures For now we will all be called to an excess of attention. Instead of decrees and ordinances, we should focus on the principles of self-protection and responsibility: in fact, appropriate behavior is needed to protect ourselves and a sense of responsibility is needed to protect others. We should not waste in a few days what we have earned meticulously in 50 days. Tomorrow a new phase will begin, that of living with the virus. It will be a new page that we will all have to write together, with confidence and responsibility.
Conte also makes a difference: in the first phase, it was inevitable to focus on heterodiscipline, that is, on the regulations imposed by the State to guarantee virus containment and risk mitigation. It was a phase in which the knowledge of the ways of spreading the infection was not very widespread among the population. Now, however, that the media have contributed to spreading deeper knowledge, it is possible to focus more decisively on self-discipline, that is, in the civic sense and in the education of the population that knows well the risks of contagion. In summary, the Prime Minister tries to communicate that the crisis is not yet over, that what begins today is not a freedom for all, that leaving home does not mean taking liberties that have not yet been defined and that all this will require an excess of Attention. and responsibility on the part of all Italians.
A post on Facebook
In the afternoon, with a Facebook post, the head of government adds similar concepts: to date, the majority of citizens have taken refuge in their homes. Starting tomorrow, more than 4 million Italians will return to work, move with public transport, many companies and factories will return to work. And there will be many more opportunities for possible contagion, which we can only avoid thanks to a greater sense of responsibility. In short, the destiny of the country in the hands of each individual: like never before, the future of the country will be in our hands. We will need collaboration, civic sense and respect for all. We will always have to keep the attention bar high. We don’t waste what we have meticulously earned in fifty days. Then the call for a collective effort: we will all have to change gear together in the country. I am sure, together we will succeed.
May 4, 2020 (change May 4, 2020 | 07:43)