Government-Federation negotiation, the real reasons for the division. Suspension and classification, today as in 2006: who should decide. Restart, penalized bianconeri. Inter-Juve, Pecoraro and the missing audio file: a question …


I hung an amulet from the lamp that illuminates the keyboard of my PC: a hard blue stone that a Navajo shaman gave me at the end of an excursion to the Canyon de Chelly. He said, “He will protect you.” I’m not superstitious But what I’m about to write may not like it: you may need that “protection”.

The facts: Read the conclusions. .

For weeks, the Government – Federation negotiation for the resumption of the championship has set the pace. The good reasons of the world of soccer (linked to the survival of the system) were opposed to those of the government concerned about the health of citizens. The virus still travels: in decline, but it circulates. The dead are still many, the infections are many more. However, the country needs to return to work. The government did not provide the liquidity that would have been necessary. Poverty, increasingly widespread, is now contained above all by the titanic effort of Charitas and Opere Pie.

Background: The Calabria region (relatively affected by the infection) decides to move alone, reopening bars and restaurants (outdoors). Governor Jole Santelli explains that in an area devoid of industries and thriving on tourism, the “supply” of organized crime could be dangerous. In a social fabric in which the months of home care have left their mark. Santelli “reopens” arousing the irritation of the regional minister of Boccia who “maintains” the territorial ordinance. The issue is not goat wool: Santelli’s provision reflecting regional autonomy collides with government provisions designed for “orderly recovery and in the name of unity of purpose.”

We arrived at the Government – Federation negotiation node. That spun (and still spins) at one point. In the case (after recovery) of a player’s “positivity”, is the player isolated or does everything stop again? The Palazzo del Calcium embraces the first hypothesis. Inclined, Minister Spadafora, to the second.

Second question: in the event of a definitive suspension from the championship, who would have to make an uncomfortable decision? If he “suspends” the government, the latest installment of the television rights would be saved (however, already disputed by the netwoks). In case the Federation is “suspended”, the League’s request for the fulfillment of the contract will have no withholding.

Easy? I don’t really let go of the Scudetto question (to be assigned, not assigned or to be rejected). As well as the process of retrocesions, promotions, classification that will be delivered to UEFA (before May 25). Like Gravina’s decision to (possibly) continue playing until August (and beyond). Like UEFA’s willingness to play in the Champions League and Europa League in August.

Problems are not on the table. We speak, rather, of autonomy of the sport. Soccer, in this case. That this autonomy (rightly, in my opinion) has always affirmed.

The government could ban activities and demonstrations (in places and plants) for public health reasons. But he could not suspend the championship. It would be an interference with the aforementioned autonomy. It is up to the Federation to decree, if necessary, arrest. As in 2006, it was incumbent on an Extraordinary Commissioner (in the absence of a Federal President) to rewrite the Series A classification, assigning the Scudetto (revoked to whoever had won it and who had been demoted after a trial) to the third classified, although spaced 15 points in the ranking.

As Boccia darkens, the Bonaccini stream, president of Emilia – Romagna, makes its way towards the government dam. Ordinance and relative possibility for soccer clubs to return to training. Bologna, Sassuolo and Parma will: Spal appears to be waiting for the government’s green light. In an amen, the stream becomes a torrent: first the region of Campania, then Lazio, finally Sardinia. As I write, it is speculated that Lombardy and Tuscany might (soon). Translated: Naples, Lazio, Rome and Cagliari will be able to run (spacing the players) in their sports centers. When the oxen have escaped from the stable, the communication from the Ministry of the Interior arrives that “grants” the activities (with all the necessary precautions) in the sports centers. A movement that saves the face of the government (defined by Conte as “normal political dialectics”) and that of Boccia. That maintains the appeal against Santelli, but avoids filing it against the other governors. No one dares to “think badly”. Although among the “dialectical” governors there is also the party secretary Boccia.

You’re fine Hopefully. Because “La Repubblica” explained that Conte (assigned as prime minister) would like to close “everything” next Wednesday.

The “free everything” vision that drew crowds of citizens last Sunday on the street and on beaches across Italy could have worried the prime minister even more. Furthermore, progress is made without a particular order: each region with its ordinances. In the sign of its autonomy.

I would not worry about the “regularity” of the tournament: it has already been repeatedly “skewered”. The last violation of equal treatment is just another arrow. at best it bothers. The evaluation of the work of the Federation is left to the readers. Juventus, with its many players, even outside Italy is the club most “exposed”. Will they have to quarantine on their return? And speaking of quarantine: De Luca, Governor of Campania, explained that whoever reaches their territory will have to go through regional ordinances, weeks of isolation. Will football transfers to Campania be eliminated? Napoli, if you are going to play outside Campania, will you end up at home when you return?

Closing on Giuseppe Pecoraro. Who stated that he had unsuccessfully searched for a file (the audio of Orsato-Var’s conversation at Inter-Juventus, related to Pjanic’s lack of expulsion) to instruct a file that “popular sentiment” asked him to open. But not having found it. Due to that conversation (if it happened) “the clues were lost.” Question: Why does Pecoraro talk about it only now? I, an answer, would have it. But if I turn it off, the Navajo shaman amulet may not be enough. However: sometimes a file is lost. Sometimes it even disappears from a court’s evidence warehouse. Sometimes, incredibly, he is “tarot”.
