Phase 2, new self-certification. As happened with the previous phases for the trip, it is necessary to complete a declaration that, in any case, is in the possession of the police operators and can be completed at the time of the control. The new model of self-declaration for travel can be used from tomorrow’s website. However, the previous model can still be used cross out objects that are no longer current.
Download the new self-certification
In the new form, the citizen must declare to be knowledge of the contagion measures in force, both national and regional. Therefore, the four reasons that may determine the change are reported: cproven job needs; absolute urgency; need situation; health reasons. Then six lines are left blank where the citizen can specify the reason for the move. The previous version is still valid for those who printed it. Simply check the out-of-date parts indicated on the model on the ministry website.
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Coronavirus, the last ordinances of the Regions in phase 2: in Liguria yes to the couple’s boat trips, in Lombardy only alone. Veneto, Fvg and Lazio give the green light to the layout of the beaches.