Whatsapp, will the service be paid again? It’s a hoax


These days, a message circulates on WhatsApp warning users that the messaging service will return for a fee. But it’s a hoax

Whatsapp, will the service be paid again? (Photo: Pixabay)

L ‘Coronavirus emergency is putting pressure on all Italians. The country has been almost completely blocked for 2 months, although it should start tomorrow. slow recovery. In such a difficult period, characterized by blocking and few contacts, the Internet and smartphones certainly have helped overcome distances.

Among the various messaging services, WhatApp It is still the most used. With data traffic increasing due to quarantine, the messages they contain also increased hoaxes and fake news. In addition to those related to Coronavirus, WhatsApp related messages also circulate these days. The service, he says, should pay Soon But this is another false news.

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WhatsApp is paid again: another false news

It is the umpteenth false news that runs on the web (Getty Images)

These days, between the gigantic mass of messages that millions of people trade every day WhatsAppThere are also various hoaxes and false news. The last one refers to the messaging service, which should shortly pay. Obviously it’s one buffalo. One of the strengths of the application is precisely that of being free, offering anyone the opportunity to send text messages with complete freedom.

The company owned by Mark Zuckerberg, to protect your users from the circulation of this false news, you already have started a policy which provides for the limitation of message forwarding. In place for a few weeks, there has been a 70% drop messages with this type of content.

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