Phase 2, ok individual training for teams. All the news of the circular of the Ministry of the Interior to the prefects
With the circular to the prefects in force from May 4 to 17, the Ministry of the Interior gives important clarifications on phase 2. There is no reference to the self-certification form for movements in the circular sent
today from the Ministry of the Interior to the prefects on the prescriptions in force from tomorrow until May 17.
– “Athletes and non-athletes of non-individual disciplines, like all citizens, can participate in individual sports activities, in public or private areas, respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters and respecting the prohibition of any form of assembly This opens up the resumption of team building.
– Prudent and balanced application of measures: with regard to travel rules, the evaluation of specific cases “must be entrusted to a prudent and balanced assessment (…) leading to a consistent application of the provisions contained” in the Dpcm in Phase 2 The safeguarding of public health must be sought essentially with the prohibition of collection and “the need to limit the impact on the daily life of citizens”.
– lasting and meaningful joint relationships. The term spouses includes “spouses, kinship, affinity, and civil union,
as well as relationships characterized by a ‘community of life and lasting and significant affections’ as established by a 2014 Cassation sentence. The area to which the joint expression refers is explained in the
document, “can be systematically derived from the regulatory and jurisprudential framework”.
– Those who return home remain in the region. The Dpcm in phase 2 allows
return to your home, home or residence, but once you have returned, “you will no longer be allowed to travel outside the borders of the region in which you are located”, unless there are “proven urgent, urgent work needs or reasons of health “.