“Beware of tremors and hives”


Tremors and hives. They are gods new symptoms that could alert you to the presence of coronavirus, saccording to the British Journal of Dermatology. It seems that the covid is changing, according to experts it would be less aggressive, but symptoms that did not initially surface are also noted.

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According to what the Atlanta Centers, the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published, dealing with global health, to the known symptoms of covid such as fever, cough and breathing difficulties, chills, persistent tremor along with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and loss of taste and smell. Then comes another spy from dermatologists, who is the rash and chilblains: the hypothesis is that the virus causes damage to blood vessels and that this affects blood circulation.

Experts continue to reiterate that the coronavirus is a chameleon virus, that is to say, capable of affecting different organs and for this reason it manifests itself in various forms and affects not only the lungs. The lung is the most affected, but also the kidney, the heart, the joints and even the skin, even if these manifestations are not among the most frequent. In the same way that any other flu virus can affect these organs.

World Health Organization, For his part, he does not entirely agree with the notification of new symptoms and continues arguing that the signs referred to are always dry cough, high fever and respiratory difficulties.

Last update: Sunday May 3, 2020, 1:22 PM

