ROME – “It is allowed, even for athletes and not, from non-individual disciplines, such as for each citizen, individual sports activity, in public or private areas, in accordance with the distance of interpersonal security of at least two meters and respecting the prohibition of any form of crowdThen a circular letter sent today by Ministry of Interior to the prefects on the provisions in force from tomorrow until may 17th. So it opens up to resumption of team building.

Pjanic’s Leg Workout
the last dpcm professional and non-professional athletes from individual sports disciplines, recognized as of national interest by cones, Paralympic Committee and their respective federations. Now the circular, signed by the Chief of Staff of the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, also authorizes Recovery training for sports disciplines not individual“based on a systematic reading of the various provisions, supported by a shared orientation in the inter-ministerial forum“