
in Phase 2 emergency coronavirus the key words will be: “Avoid meetings”. Special parks, bus stops, stations, supermarkets and stores that will reopen tomorrow will be under surveillance: the police will have to verify that the rules against contagion are respected, starting with the safety distance and the use of More expensive.
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Visiting friends and going to second homes will still be prohibited. In the circular addressed to the prefects, the Ministry of the Interior clarifies that this is not the time to release control: the risk, with the gradual reopening, is that all the efforts made so far will be canceled. Then the attention will have to be very high. If within the city the controls on the street will be lighter, because with the relaxation of the restrictions practically everyone will have a reason to leave the house, the eyes will be focused on places at risk of meeting, from squares to shops, from villas even parks. .
The police, the carabinieri, the police must verify that there are enough people on board the buses and subway cars to allow respect of the distances against contagion and, above all, that all passengers wear masks, mandatory in closed places and public transportation board. Otherwise, the penalty will be activated. The same applies to physical activity outdoors: it is also allowed outside the home, but it must be done alone or respecting at least two meters away. Government sources specify that “authorized movement is strictly necessary. Once the activity is complete, it is mandatory to return home immediately.” Lighthouses are also aimed at shops and supermarkets: whenever possible, different routes should be arranged for entrances and exits, while near the cash counters there should be positions of disinfectant gel and gloves.
Check cashing also at railway stations: Those who get on or off trains will be detained to find out if they have valid reasons to move. Regional boundaries will remain manned, as will state and provincial highways. “We do not care if hundreds of people move from Tuscany to Lazio, but if a hundred people, after having a beer to go, start talking on the street,” explained the Interior Ministry.
You can visit relatives and you can meet your boyfriend or girlfriend, but to see your friends again you will have to wait: they are not among the “stable emotional ties” that justify the movements, explains Palazzo Chigi. At the moment, it is also forbidden to reach second homes, although things cannot change. Minister Roberto Speranza says that “it is forbidden to reach a second home, even those present in the region, since it does not enter states of need.” And at night also sources from the Palazzo Chigi have clarified that for now “the fundamental principle remains that movements are made for health, work or necessity. Moving to a second home is not a necessity.” However, the government could loosen control in the next few hours, and the same applies to athlete training.
Meanwhile, the police chief, Franco Gabrielli, raises the alarm for the risks related to the reopening. The social unrest caused by the blockade could have repercussions for public order, he wrote in the circular sent to the Quaestors and prefects. General discontent could indeed lead to street protests, and there will also be a recovery from common and predatory crime, as well as the mafias’ attempt to infiltrate the economy. To date, police forces have worked to limit or exclude opportunities for risk of spreading the infection, “primarily through the greater rarity of social contacts,” the document read.
In phase 2, on the other hand, it will be necessary to “reconcile” the “primary and predominant objective of protecting the health of the personnel, to which each action must be inspired” with the new situation determined “by the relaxation of the containment measures” . Therefore, it will be necessary to reorganize the offices, “aware that the transition from one phase to another can only be characterized by coherence, prudence and graduation”. The anti-collection controls will be accompanied by a monitoring activity, in order to report the most risky situations to the local authorities in order to reshape the methods and opening hours and review the frequency of travel by public transport.
Who can i
to find?
The movements can only be found with their relatives. But what “relatives” does the Dpcm refer to? These are spouses, partners, partners in civil unions, people who are linked by a stable emotional bond, as well as relatives up to the sixth grade (such as, for example, the children of cousins to each other) and relatives up to the fourth grade ( such as, for example, the spouse’s cousins). You should always respect the distance of one meter and wear the mask.
You can visit
to the boyfriend
or to a friend?
It is possible to visit the fiancé or the fiancé, because they are people “united by a stable emotional bond”. However, it will not be possible to visit friends who are not among the relatives. This was stated by sources at the Palazzo Chigi, dispelling doubts about the passage that the new decree most discussed. Visits between civil union partners will also be possible if they face confinement in different places.
can I stay
of the grandmother?
The latest government-issued decree provides a new element among states of need: visiting relatives. Category that includes parents, siblings, cousins, uncles and, of course, grandparents. It is allowed to visit grandma and grandpa, however, keep safe distances and use an individual protection device. Lunch is also allowed together, without creating meetings: family gatherings are absolutely prohibited.
it’s possible
a party?
To organize parties with friends you have to wait. It is not yet known when it will be possible to toast together. This will certainly not happen as of May 4, the day Phase 2 begins. In various passages of the Dfcm, any form of gathering is expressly prohibited both in outdoor locations, such as parks, and inside apartments. . In short, before attending parties again, toasts and birthdays will still take some time.
If you can
celebrate the funeral
religious and not?
Yes, funeral celebrations can be held, with a maximum number of participants set to 15 people, wearing protective masks and possibly outdoors. It is allowed to move within their region to visit the cemeteries of the deceased, always respecting the interpersonal security distance of at least one meter. However, there is a prohibition on creating assemblies: if it is not possible to avoid them, the mayor may order the temporary closure of cemeteries.
You need to download
new one
The new self-certification is almost identical to the previous one, but there is an addition in the section where the reason for the move must be indicated: there is also the justification for “reuniting with family members”. Compared to the past few weeks, checks need to be loosened – the form is no longer essential for commuting and walking. To go to work, whoever owns it should be enough to show a card.
It’s enough
The badge
Yes, you just need to show your badge. Palazzo Chigi has disclosed that the justification for the job can also be proven by showing the proper documentation provided by the employer (credentials or similar) to demonstrate the stated condition.
In any case, all movements are subject to the general mounting ban and, therefore, to the obligation to always respect the minimum safety distance of one meter between people.
You can go out
if only for
take two steps?
Individual walking is allowed, unless you go out with a partner.
In practice, from home you can go out to work, for health reasons, out of necessity (the decree includes a visit to relatives among these hypotheses), or to do sports or physical activities outdoors. There is more news from tomorrow, the walk will no longer be allowed only in the vicinity of your home.
You can withdraw the
food and eat
then outdoors?
l Dpcm, also from May 4, allows take-out restaurants for bars, restaurants and the like, which is added to the already allowed home delivery activity. The delivery service must be carried out in accordance with the hygienic-sanitary requirements, avoiding personal contacts at the time of delivery. Also, food cannot be consumed in the vicinity of exercise, to avoid meetings.
May l
It will be possible to buy in the store only the products that fall into the genre categories whose sale is allowed, while home deliveries are allowed. All in accordance with hygienic-sanitary requirements, both for packaging and transport. It is also possible to buy online, by television, by mail, by phone and by purchasing the products through vending machines. Car dealerships will reopen.
Maid and babysitter
I can start again
make come
the maid?
The cleaning service, caregivers and babysitters can continue to provide service, regardless of the coexistence. The indispensable work of domestic workers can continue to be carried out in accordance with a series of precautions and limits to avoid contagion. This means that employees, within the apartments where they serve, must respect the safety distances of one meter and wear masks.
I can go back to
my address in
another region?
The Dpcm of April 26, 2020 allows movement between Regions, but only to return to the house, home or residence. This trip will be allowed even if you come from another region. However, you will not be allowed to come and go, enter and leave the borders of the Region in which you are located, if one of the reasons that make the move legitimate is not produced: proven work needs or reasons of absolute urgency. or health.
It will be mandatory
go out? And in
public transport?
They are the symbol of the fight in Covid-19. For the first time nationally, the use of the mask in closed places accessible to the public (such as public transport and commercial establishments) becomes mandatory. The new Dpcm also reaffirms the obligation to stay indoors for all those who have symptoms related to respiratory syndromes and a body temperature above 37.5 degrees.
Second houses
Can you go there
Only in the region
or even outside?
It is still forbidden to go to second homes, even if they are located within the region of residence: you can only get there in case of absolute need. The Dpcm of April 26, 2020, in fact, allows movement only in cases where there are proven work needs, absolute urgency, health reasons. Therefore, the option of the second house should be excluded for leisure and vacation reasons, even if the adjustment could decrease in the next few hours.
You can give
a ticket
to a friend?
To meet with friends it will be necessary to wait a little longer, because Palazzo Chigi has specified that they are not included among the stable emotional ties that justify the movement. It will be possible to drive a friend by car only in case of absolute necessity and urgency, for example, accompany him to the hospital or to a medical examination, if he cannot move on his own. In the car, safety distances must be maintained and masks must be worn.
May l
a son to play?
Yes, it is allowed. Public access to parks, villas and gardens is permitted, but will be subject to strict compliance with the ban on all forms of meetings. The interpersonal safety distance of one meter must always be maintained. Palazzo Chigi emphasizes that the areas equipped for children’s play that, according to the new Dpcm, remain closed, cannot be used. The mayor also has the option to order the temporary closure of specific areas where it is not possible to guarantee compliance with the anti-contagion regulations.
Sport / 1
That activities
they are
There is no detailed list of sports that can be practiced. However, team players such as soccer, rugby, basketball, volleyball, and water polo that provide physical contact should be excluded. The last decree issued by the government explicitly speaks of permitted sports activities, but on the condition that they are carried out individually. Individual sports, like the many disciplines of athletics, are safer. They can also be practiced with other people, provided they respect the distance of at least two meters. Assemblies are absolutely prohibited.
Sport / 2
You can use it
the car or the bus
to move?
To carry out sports activities, it is allowed to move both by public and private transport to reach the identified place, which no longer necessarily has to be under the house: the novelty is that from tomorrow you can move from your neighborhood to do physical activity, as long as i come back just finished. However, it is not allowed to leave the region of residence. The presence of an accompanying person for minors or for people who are not completely self-sufficient will be possible. Interpersonal distance is always mandatory and meetings are prohibited.
Last update: 01:33