Portugal ends state of emergency


Unlike the Iberian neighbors, the other inhabitants of the peninsula, the Portuguese, did not suffer excessively from the coronavirus: 25,190 cases were confirmed (1,671 cures, 1,023 deaths).

and Today will be the last day of the emergency (which will take effect on March 18).

This was announced by the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who added: “It is expected that in the future it will not be necessary to reintroduce the state of emergency.”

During the press conference, he stressed that the danger has not finally passed: “What matters, in this new phase, is that the Portuguese must know that containment is still important, so we must take small steps and constantly evaluate.”

Therefore, the blocking measures taken to contain the spread of the coronavirus will end.

However, it should be noted that the blockade was slightly different from that experienced in Italy.

Wired emphasized this in a published article comparing two “different” locks (between them and compared to Italian): Portuguese and Swedish (criticized by the journalist, despite WHO’s compliments).

On the Portuguese case: the Wired reporter quoted Politico (who we quote in turn) who described the Lusitania blockade as follows: “It is less stringent than that of many other European nations: Industries and construction sites are still open, and citizens can exercise once a day and go shopping and go to the pharmacy. However, most people stay home. “.

As in the Greek case, the containment measures in question were adopted very quickly (probably due to the possibility of having the Italian case available).

And this was undoubtedly a factor that made it possible to reduce the number of deaths.

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