Mortgages, suspending installments of up to € 400 thousand and for young couples: 2,000 requests for moratorium per day


servicehelps families

The hearing of the moratorium on the conversion of the “cure Italy” law has been expanded: young couples who have bought with the state guarantee and contracts for amounts of up to 400 thousand euros will have access

by Michela Finizio and Giuseppe Latour

Suspension of mortgage: this is how it is requested

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It has received all the requests for clarification, the banks have equipped themselves and now the moratorium on the mortgages of the first home comes to life. Also thanks to the numerous limitations that the latest government measures loosened: it is now possible to request contracts for an amount of up to 400 thousand euros (of the old 250 thousand) and for mortgages in amortization for less than a year or that have had access to the Fund Warranty before home.

The first budget
In recent days, requests to suspend the payments on the first mortgage loan have grown rapidly. About 1,500, 2,000 a day, reports Consap, the subsidiary of the Ministry of Finance that manages the Gasparrini Fund. So far, approximately 14,200 applications have been received from all over Italy, for an amount equivalent to approximately 10.58 million euros (given on April 27). This is the balance of the first month of extension of the family support measure launched by the “Italian cure” to face the crisis caused by the emergence of the coronavirus.

The painting in the territory.
The accepted practices, and therefore the suspensions already operational, are 1,701, but there are already another 11,600 in the investigation process. At the moment, 715 requests have been rejected: more than 14 thousand requests come from all over the national territory, 34% from Lazio and Lombardy, followed by 12% from Sicily, 10% from Tuscany, 8% from Tuscany, 7% of Veneto and so on. Even if all the practices sent to Consap by the banks were accepted, at this time the endowment of the Gasparrini Fund (some 425 million euros after the refinancing with Dl’s “priest Italy”) would only be committed by 2%.

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The presence of very low interest rates, in fact, reduces the costs of the Fund’s moratorium, even if in the next few hours incoming requests could increase considerably. The holders of the contract have already compiled the necessary documentation, but especially with the conversion into law of the Decree “Cure Italy” and with the Liquidity Decree, the audience of possible beneficiaries has been expanded.
