Already when the Cura Italia decree was presented, the government immediately said that a possible contagion of Covid-19 in the workplace is considered an accident. To be precise, all this is contained in art. 42, paragraph 2, which clearly states that getting sick with coronavirus is an accident and not a disease.
The first concerns
However, following the decree, many doubts arose. For example, he said to himself: How can we establish, with reasonable certainty, that the infection occurred in the workplace? Not to mention the fact that Inail’s accident forms must also indicate the time (of infection). More than legitimate concerns, to which the Institute itself responded. For example, regarding the time of infection, you specified that even a certificate sent in an unorthodox manner is still accepted. In fact, it is enough, Inail says, to complete the form even only in the fields that the worker considers possible for a given answer.
Confirmation by President Inail Bettoni
In the last hours, a new confirmation has also come from President Inail, Franco Bettoni, in favor of the thesis contained in Cura Italia. Bettoni said that viral illnesses, like Covid-19, are considered a violent cause of illness and are therefore recognized as an injury. And consequently, don’t treat it the same way as the disease.
And he explained why. For President Bettoni, Inail’s doctors, while not moving in the field of absolute certainty, still have all of those skills and tools suitable for solving many doubts. Their ability to analyze evidence and empirical evidence leads them to pronounce themselves with high degrees of reliability. Also about events (the contagion, in fact) that happened days or weeks before. Finally, Bettoni added that if a worker were to contract coronavirus in the workplace and then die, they would be considered in all respects as a working victim.
Possible dispute with your employer
It is not possible to exclude a priori possible differences of views with the employer about the “where” was infected. For example, in cases where an employer claims the opposite of what his employee claims. What happens in these cases? For INAIL, many of these differences have little basis. The reports prepared by your medical staff can determine the times, forms and places of the accident in question (the infection). In fact, Inail in this regard collects all the forms of evidence that can be obtained. The older and better they are, the higher the quality of the final report, also with respect to the wording on the source of the infection.
The measure applies to all
So getting sick from the coronavirus is an injury and not a disease. At first, this orientation was reserved only for health personnel, considering that they were the most ill. The nature of their business exposed them excessively to the risk of contagion. This despite the numerous countermeasures that the health workers themselves were able to implement. In the days, however, Inail realized that health workers were not the only ones exposed to the risk of infection. an example for everyone? Grocery store staff. For this reason, therefore, the measure has been definitively extended to all other categories of workers.