The anti-sport minister Spadafora chooses the wrong model: in France it is chaos. Divided government, the A of June 14 | PrimaPage


For now we should note that anti-sport minister Spadafora does not hit one. As soon as has chosen France as a model, who has postponed the championship (“we could do like them”), chaos exploded beyond the Alps. First it was Toulouse who announced that he would appeal against the descent, and that is fine; then she also left the Lyon offensive, which aims to sue Ligue 1 and seek compensation for tens of millions. And it’s just the beginning. If we think that the French are infinitely more measured in certain football matters than we are, also because economic interests are lower, imagine what could happen in Italy if Serie A were to stop. Gravina is not wrong to fear hell.

Other signs of storm. Two regions not really irrelevant, Emilia-Romagna and Campania, have authorized the resumption of training in sports centers also for players; others, like the Lazio, they could follow them in these hours. Measures contrary to the last Dpcm. As the three governors in question (Bonaccini, De Luca and Zingaretti) belong to the Democratic Party, an ally of the Five Stars of Spadafora, There is a strong suspicion that the minister against sport is not highly appreciated by the majority.

in the meantime Thebes, famous manager of the Spanish League, supports Dal Pino’s strategy, president of the League, who managed to put together, at least officially, the twenty clubs in Serie A: “He and Gravina are doing a great job.” And only the League, in yesterday’s assembly, in addition to debating the payment of the last installment of rights on TV, has studied the dates for the resumption of the championship. The goal could be to start again the weekend of June 14, anticipating the Coppa Italia semifinals at 9:10.

In short, all the elements to trust recovery are there. But the meeting scheduled in the next 48 hours will be decisive the government’s scientific technical committee, the federation’s expert commission and the sports medical federation. It is in the health protocol that Spadafora could lean to try to blow up the bank. As a good minister against sport: The man who wants to stop Series A, without knowing (or pretending not to know) that Italian sport depends on Series A money.

