Catanzaro – Calabria will also remain in the red zone next week. This is what emerges from the weekly monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health that classifies the region with a high level of risk and multiple resilience alerts. In addition, the region also has the second highest punctual Rt index (together with Campania) with 1.33 and a bed occupancy rate in the hospital medical area stably higher than 40% for a few days. And even the daily data confirm a stable upward trend in the spread of the virus. In the last 24 hours, 465 new positives have been registered – with a positive swab of 12.44% (yesterday 13.29) – and 12 victims, bringing the total to 835. Hospitalizations in the medical area decrease by 2 (406) while those in intensive care increased by the same number. Today, interviewed by Star, on Sky TG24, the acting president of the Region Nino Spirlì spoke about the case of the vaccines administered to the category “other” (72,538 today at 3.31 pm) claiming to believe “that this constant shooting in the region of Calabria We also have to finish a bit, it is as if Calabria were inhabited by two million prisoners “continuing to reiterate that the administration of the doses is certified at 78% for the 30% reserve to allow the second dose.
The Calabrians, meanwhile, prepare to spend the second Easter under restrictions. You will not be able to circulate even within your own Municipality as long as it is possible to carry out motor activities, but only near the house, and individual outdoor sports activities. Although it is generally prohibited in the red zones, on Easter weekend it is allowed to visit family or friends once a day and for a maximum of two people (in addition to children under 14 years of age). And even in Calabria it will be forbidden to reach second homes for non-residents in the region. The mayor of Catanzaro adopted stricter regulations that, from tomorrow to Monday inclusive, prohibited walking, parking, and motoring and sports activities on the promenade of the Lido and Giovino districts, on the beaches of the entire municipal coastline and on the pine forests of Giovino and Siano.
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