ATA Third Level Ratings – Here are the sections to be completed by the school employee entering the ratings for the first time. The lists will be valid for three school years, from 2021/22 to 2023/24, during which it will not be possible to change province. Guide to Completing the Application for the School Employee Joining for the First Time. Apply before April 22 through Online Instances.
It is possible to complete the application from here.
The operations to be carried out are
1) register for online instances, if you don’t already have the credentials
2) Complete the application between March 22 and April 22, 2021 in online applications.
3) pay attention to the publication of the provisional ranking, to file any complaint
4) Always keep the email in which you may receive a replacement proposal in order, beginning with the 2021/22 school year.
Guide to complete the application
FIRST OPERATION: consult personal data and contact information, especially the emails in which to receive replacement requests. Read all
SECOND OPERATION: the province and the main school are chosen. Read all
THIRD OPERATION– Enter the access grade Here are the access grades for the school collaborators
FOURTH OPERATION: insert cultural titles and certifications. Here are the valid ones, the title table.
FIFTH OPERATION: choice of place preferences. These are the schools in which you want to be included in the ranking. It is possible to express up to 29 preferences, which added to the leading school already chosen, will reach 30.
SIXTH OPERATION enter the service. You can send your request by entering the service until April 22. Ministry confirms
SEVENTH OPERATION Preferred titles Complete the entire page with the necessary information
EIGHTH OPERATION Other declarations Complete the page with the necessary information
NOTES: optional to insert any useful information for the evaluation of the declared qualifications.
LAST OPERATION: forwarding
ATA Third Level Classifications: How to Cancel the Shipment and Modify the Request