The school world says no Alabama mandatory Covid vaccine. In fact, 6 out of 10 are expressed in this direction. From beyond 3,000 who responded to the survey School technique, more than 2,600 were teachers. And almost two out of three -more than 1,800- took sides against the possible obligation extended also to school personnel, as some scientists indicated in recent days, starting with Silvio Garattini, founder pharmacologist and president of the Mario Negri Institute in Milan.
The results of the survey
Responding to the survey of the specialized school magazine, 59.5% of the readers were therefore against the possible obligation of vaccination. Only four out of ten agreed, while only 1% would limit the administration to teachers, thus excluding the rest of the workers -Ata, DSGA and school directors- who work in the 8,200 autonomous institutes that provide public training.
Therefore, the message is clear: according to the survey, the school world does not seem to take sides in favor of a possible decision by the Government to replicate among school personnel the obligation to be vaccinated for medical and pharmaceutical personnel through the Covid decree. Easter.
Who responded to the survey?
The vast majority of those who responded to the survey were insiders: 85% are teachers, followed by 7% who define themselves other and that could represent the category of parents and students, not directly involved in the survey. The remaining 8% responded as Ata or as a director.
The position of the teachers
Almost half of the total were interested in the topic. First cycle teachers, between primary and secondary school.: Teachers probably more sensitive to the subject, after the Covid decree of the last days forces them to return to classes from April 7 also in the red zones.
They follow high school teachersi: 41% who feel particularly at risk, if we think that a single grade level has collected around 1200 responses, a sign that the behavior of secondary school children could be perceived as more “dangerous” even than that of children from kindergarten even though they don’t wear masks. In fact, the grade level responses of young and very young children are less than 10%.
Who has already had the AstraZeneca vaccine?
A particularly interesting piece of information refers to the vaccines administered and those to be administered. In fact, compared to the results of ours previous survey, dating back to March 24 Lastly, teachers who have had at least the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine have definitely increased (41% today compared to 30% ten days ago), which is natural. But the responses of those who claim to have increased considerably does not intend to get vaccinatedThis is 32% of respondents, compared to 10% ten days ago, when almost 60% were waiting for the first dose.
What the Covid decree on vaccination of medical personnel establishes
In new Covid decree of the Draghi government, fired on the night of March 31, 2021, announced by a press release from Palazzo Chigi, it reads:
The decree introduces provisions aimed at ensuring compliance with the vaccination obligation by medical and health personnel, establishing a detailed procedure for its operation and adequate measures in case of non-compliance (assignment to different tasks or suspension of salary).
We specify that the survey was carried out by the newspaper “La Tecnica della Scuola” in the period from 3/31/2021 to 3/4/2021. 3,080 subjects participated. The survey is not scientific in nature: the results are derived from automatic calculations.