BELLUNO – «Since I’m here, I’ll take advantage of it: when I enter pension my wife? It should end in 2021 like me. “You are wrong, his wife is still 12 years away“When you received this reply, Edi Micacchioni, former merchant of Mel, he thought about a mistake of theInps. After all, among the thousands of thousands of paperwork and electronic documents, inaccuracies can occur. So he reread his wife’s tax code. But the answer remained the same: “Retirement in 2032».
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So they gave him his pension statement and he found out a 12 year hole, from 1982 to 1993, in which no contributions were paid. “My wife started crying. Now he is home he no longer has a job and cannot retire“. To understand what could have happened to him Nilde Barp, 57 years of Mel, you have to go back in time to 1979.
The mobster, also convicted of murder, sues the INPS for the revoked pension
Hole in the Inps registers
In that year Nilde, Just turned 16, she started working as a farmer for the sisters Maria and Luigia Bacchetti who had a farm in via Fratti (also in Mel). Along with her, her parents and her uncle, whose pension status shows the same 12-year-old hole. After the death of the Bacchetti sisters in 1993, the property remained in the hands of the village priests, who nonetheless decided to sell it. Nilde began working with her husband, who had a business in Mel that closed on February 28 when Edi retired. “Every year the Bacchetti sisters told him that they had paid the contributions. They were well off, it is impossible that from 1982 to 1993 they were not, ”explains the woman’s husband. There is very little paper left: the farm brochure, hand-drawn, and the receipts for three years of contributions, namely 1990, 1991 and 1993, paid to Scau (formerly INPS) by Sister Bacchetti. Not even this period appears in the INPS records. According to the lawyer Nilde Barp appealed to, these are documents that have little value and do not prove anything.
The judgment recognizes the pension contributions in the months discovered between one temporary contract and another
“However, it is strange that the lawyer Giorgio Azzalini from Dolomiti legal explains that the Bacchetti sisters paid their contributions before and after that period and not during that period. It is probable that in the passage from Scau to Inps the cataloging of contributions suffered a kind of bureaucratic negligence“. There is no evidence that this has really been the case. There is a 12-year gap in the INPS records.” We should go see if there is anything left in the old Scau warehouses in Rome. “For this reason, the lawyer Azzalini launches a Appeal to the parliamentarians of Belluno. The objective is twofold. On the one hand “to understand if it is an isolated case and ask for help.” On the other, “to act in Rome and find out what happened to the Scau documents.” Nilde’s husband Barp says that he resorted to everyone: sponsorship from Inac, INPS, the mayor and lawyers. And to have tried to request, on behalf of his wife, compensation for the closure of activities that would allow him to have a constant income of 516 euros per month until the age of 67 To date, they have not received a response.