Lost fund, hurry to help. In 3 days, 677,876 questions. The first bank transfers on April 8


The balance of the first three days of the “support” operation shows 677,786 requests, which arrived between 12 noon on March 30 and yesterday afternoon. It means 226 thousand requests every 24 hours, with a 150% increase in pace compared to the first round of aid, that of the summer of 2020, the only comparable one due to the size of the audience.

In short, the computer system developed by Sogei and managed by the Tax Agency is experiencing a phase of overwork. However, at the moment it has not registered any setbacks or slowdowns, rewarding the election of the Director of Revenue, Ernesto Maria Ruffini, who fell into a hyper-simplified procedure in the application to be completed and in the management of the process. In this first phase, the phenomenon of the questions encountered in the formal controls grid seems to stop at the physiological level, which first verifies the real existence of the VAT number and the minimum correspondence of the data with the parameters set by the decree. .


There are 28,785, 4.2% of the total, which can be forwarded until May 28, the ordinary expiration date of the mechanism. For the other 649,091, however, the path has been opened that, at the option of the interested party, leads to the bank transfer or the tax credit that can be used in compensation with F24.


The hearing of the VAT numbers admitted for the benefit of Legislative Decree 41/2021 and hypothesis of aid per capita


Furthermore, the forced stages are essential to respect the ambitious calendar established by the government, as well as to catch up with the delay in the gestation of the decree-law, also lengthened by the stagnation that followed the Conte-2 crisis. The first transfers will begin next Thursday, April 8 and, above all, the objective is to close at least most of the transaction before the 30th of this month. Leaving only the queue for the following weeks, determined by the 60 days of time given to the CIF to submit the request.

To determine the unprecedented size of the audience affected by the operation, 3 million VAT numbers compared to the 2.39 million that helped the decree “Relaunch” last year, is a crossroads of factors: the calculation criteria, which The self-employed open the doors of aid with an average decrease in turnover of at least 30% between last year and 2019, and the extension to professionals, who were excluded from the first grant as beneficiaries of the “last resort income “, which is the flat rate of 600 euros. In addition to being broad, the panorama of candidates for the new public aid is populated above all by mini-VAT numbers: those that billed in 2019 amounted to 2.39 million, 79.7% of the total. According to the calculations of the financial administration, each of them will receive an average contribution of 2,093 euros, while for large operators, between 5 and 10 million in turnover, the average endowment will be 60,482 euros.
