The minister of justice Marta Cartabia placeholder image has ordered investigations into Trapani’s NGO investigation, in the context of which they were intercepted also several journalists. It is the first initiative to verify the performance of a judicial position that the minister has adopted since taking office in Via Arenula. The parliamentarians had requested his intervention. Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian left and Erasmus Palazzotto di Leu, who had announced the presentation of questions. Even the words of Sandro Ruotolo, Tommaso Cerno (Pd) e Cousin Di Nicola (M5s) who in a note writes: “It is a serious fact, we are before him lack of respect for professional secrecy, of the violation of the freedom of the press constitutionally guaranteed. We ask the Minister to know what initiatives, as far as he is concerned, he intends to undertake to acquire additional elements About what happened; if it is proposed to take initiatives to adequately protect the work of journalists, their inviolable freedom in the exercise of the profession ”.
Saturday morning on the surprising wiretapping case against Nancy porsia, who for years has been dealing with the route of migrants from Libya, and other colleagues, including Antonio Massari of the Daily occurrence and in the excavation of Future (heard indirectly), the Acting Prosecutor of Trapani also intervened in an attempt to reduce it Maurizio Agnello. Interviewed byDnakronos the prosecutor, who inherited the file on the role of NGOs Youth saves, Save the children me Doctors without borders during landings since 2016, having only entered service in February 2019, it confirmed that Porsia “was intercepted for a few months in the second half of 2017, because some subjects investigated they referred to her who was on board one of the investigated ships ”. But he added that “in any case, in the informative summary of all the research presented last June no trace of the transcripts of the interceptions of the journalist and there is no reference to other journalists ”.
Therefore, “no interception of the journalist will be used in the process,” which in the information presented in June by the Judicial Police, that is, by the Sco, the Mobile Brigade and the Port Authority, ” reported indirectly, because there are other intercepted subjects who talk about their“It was intercepted” on the occasion of its examination of summary information. On that occasion, the Flying Squad tells me again, it gave a great hand to the investigation, but it was never neither suspected nor investigated. In the listening trick performed by the Judicial Police, the day and time of a conversation and the subject with whom the intercepted subject is speaking are usually indicated. And in that brogliaccio the conversation will also have taken place with his will legal“. In 2017 the pm of that time Andrea Tarondo placeholder image, asked the investigating judge of the Court of Trapani to authorize the wiretapping. And the examining magistrate granted them. But why intercept a journalist? The lawyer is agree What did the prosecutor do when he was not yet head of the prosecution? “In this I prefer not to answerAs for the fact that “no other journalist has been the object of wiretapping”, this obviously does not exclude that they have been overheard talking to intercepted persons.
Odg and Fnsi also ask for clarity in this regard. “We are facing the disfigurement of professional secrecy,” denounces the national president of the Order of Journalists. Carlo Verna, who announces an appeal to the head of state in his capacity as “supreme guarantor of the Constitution” and as president of the CSM, since what is at stake is the “quality of democracy” itself. There Press federation asked for clarification on the whole matter and on a “disturbing” detail: the transcript of excerpts from interviews related to Giulio Regeni’s investigation.