Murder in Bari, confesses a 17-year-old


The 17-year-old has confessed tonight during an interrogation at the Police Headquarters before the prosecutor of the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office that, last night in via Ravanas in the Libertà neighborhood of Bari, he would have stabbed Giuseppe Di, 45 years old. Mattia, convicted, after a dispute between the victim on the one hand and the mother and the same girl on the other. You have now been entered into the suspect register. At the moment, no precautionary measures have been taken against him. The prosecutor reserved the right to classify the type of crime.

The fight took place on the street near the house of the two women. The young woman, as she herself reported, was hit by Di Mattia with a stab wound to the face that caused serious injuries, in particular permanent scars on her face, precisely near the eye and head. The girl underwent an operation, which lasted 4 hours, in the plastic surgery department of the hospital. At first the ordinary prosecutor investigated, then the juvenile prosecutor took over.

The young woman, assisted during the interrogation by the lawyer Massimo Chiusolo, attributed her gesture to the legitimate defense of her and her mother. Between the latter and the victim, it seems that there were old grudges, for economic reasons, dating back 15 years. The murder would have taken place in a very degraded social context.
