This time, the figures should be exact, but in the Sicilian report on coronavirus infections, even today, some figures are missing. A warning in the tables reads “The antigen test swab data could not be detected today” so the number of quick swabs is not available. In addition, the provincial data have been corrected and therefore from the screens of the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection today it is not possible to obtain the real increase of positives but only the difference between the new cases of today and those registered in more by mistake yesterday .
Coronavirus, the newsletter is back but the data is incorrect: chaos in tracking infections in Sicily
by Gioacchino Amato
But let’s go to the data, out of the 10,305 molecular swabs processed in the last 24 hours, 1,282 new positives emerged. The contagion rate (the ratio of new cases to tampons) rises from 5.7 percent averaged yesterday to 12.4 percent. There were 19 deaths (yesterday 21 referred to two days). Two data that are undoubtedly very worrying. The inmates total 1,039, eight more than yesterday. The places occupied in intensive care increased from 140 to 143 with 6 new entrants. The cured were 82 so the positives are currently 19,870 (1,181 more than yesterday). In isolation there are 18,831 people, but it is not possible, given yesterday’s errors, to calculate the real variation. That’s 58 fewer than yesterday’s miscalculations.
Vaccini, Moderna’s offer reaches Sicily: reservations are restarted, in April the goal is to reach 900 thousand administrations
by Giada Lo Porto
Sicily returns ninth among Italian regions in terms of number of new cases as of Monday. Below are the data without those divided by province: hospitalized with symptoms 896 (+5), intensive care 143 (+3. New admissions 6), total hospitalized 1,039 (+8). Home isolation 18,831. Total positive current 19,870 (+1,181). New positives 1,282. High / cured 150.888 (+82). 4,647 (+19) died. Total cases 175,405 (+1,282). Buffers 3,172,351 (+10.305. Molecular +10.305. Quick 0).
Le Gesap, which manages the Falcone and Borsellino airports, communicated the data of the swabs on this first day of the Easter weekend: “Great job of doctors and nurses in the Covid test area of Palermo airport – read the page of Facebook – Alle 16, 1,568 quick swabs were made to arriving passengers. The average wait per passenger (from arrival at the Covid area to delivery of the report) was 23 minutes. We remind you that the swabs are free ” .